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Předmět Music, Culture, and Technology (YBA175)

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The topics will include: (1) impact of early recording devices and formats on early 20th century reconfigurations in music and culture, (2) relationship between technology (recording formats, electric and electronic instruments, studio) and music genres (jazz, rock, electronic dance cultures, avant-garde music), (3) technology as a content of music, (4) technology as power (standardization, control of behavior, laws, cultural appropriation) vs liberation (democratization) in music cultures, (5) role of technological mediation in live music, (6) cultural associations, prejudices, and fears as related to music technologies, (7) relation between place/space and technology (acoustics, urban soundscapes), (8) retro-technological music trends. Through assigned interdisciplinary theoretical, historical, and ethnographic readings, listening examples, film viewings, and class debates, we will look into case studies discussing these particular technologies and their musical and cultural effects, both in Western and non-Western societies. We will also host a couple of guests specializing in electronic dance and avant-garde music production, and will visit a recording studio.


The topics will include: (1) impact of early recording devices and formats on early 20th century reconfigurations in music and culture, (2) relationship between technology (recording formats, electric and electronic instruments, studio) and music genres (jazz, rock, electronic dance cultures, avant-garde music), (3) technology as a content of music, (4) technology as power (standardization, control of behavior, laws, cultural appropriation) vs liberation (democratization) in music cultures, (5) role of technological mediation in live music, (6) cultural associations, prejudices, and fears as related to music technologies, (7) relation between place/space and technology (acoustics, urban soundscapes), (8) retro-technological music trends. Through assigned interdisciplinary theoretical, historical, and ethnographic readings, listening examples, film viewings, and class debates, we will look into case studies discussing these particular technologies and their musical and cultural effects, both in Western and non-Western societies. We will also host a couple of guests specializing in electronic dance and avant-garde music production, and will visit a recording studio.


David Verbuč, M.A., Ph.D.doc. PhDr. Zuzana Jurková, Ph.D.