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Předmět Multiculturalism, Ethnicity and Collective Memory in Central and Eastern Europe (YBAU06)

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Další informace


This is one of the courses of the study abroad Undergraduate Program in Central European Studies (UPCES) held in cooperation with the partner institution CERGE-EI. It is designed for the US students participating in the programme as a whole while the Czech and international students of the Faculty of Humanities are welcome to selecte single courses from the programme.


Students are required to follow the instructions and requirements specified in the course sylabus, which is available at the official website of the UPCES programme at:http://upces.cerge-ei.cz/academic-life/upces-courses-a-zReading materials: the coordinators of the UPCES programme will inform the enrolled students where to get them.


Dr. Elena Soler, Ph.D.Světlana KrálováBc. Lenka Lukešová


Dr. Elena Soler, Ph.D.