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Předmět The Dynamics of Communism: Analyzing and Understanding Communist System in former Czechoslovakia (YBAU32)

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It is designed for the US students participating in the programme as a whole while the Czech and international students of the Faculty of Humanities are welcome to select single courses from the programme.


The objective of this course is to help students understand how the communist system in Czechoslovakia functioned in practice and to explain why the system eventually collapsed. This course emphasizes the need for having a theoretical rather than purely empirical approach to the question, so that students gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of what happened. This course takes up some issues that are rarely discussed in such a course, such as what role the official mass organizations played in bringing down the regime, or how the regime developed a specific type of legitimacy that in some ways was historically unique; yet, this specific type of legitimacy had its own dynamics that contributed to the fall of the regime. This course emphasizes student participation, so each lecture will be followed by a discussion. To facilitate the discussions, each student will have to participate in one group presentation on a topic from the course based on the previous week’s reading. However, the presentation will be short and limited to 15 minutes.


Steven SaxonbergBc. Lenka LukešováSvětlana Králová