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Předmět Introduction to European History (YBE001)

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Introduction to European History Veronika ČapskáRoman Zaoral                                                                   Thursdays, 2:00 - 3:20 PM, Jinonice 2066 Fall 2015Lectures08. 10.   What is "Europe"? Ancient and modern concepts of an ideology of common cultural and                political space (RZ)15. 10.   Ancient Greece, Rome and intellectual fundaments (RZ)22. 10.   Christianity and Christian Europe: Integrating role of Medieval Church (RZ)29. 10.   Europe and the outside world: Defining through contact and conflict with the "other" (VČ)05. 11.   Renaissance, reformation and transformation to the modern period (VČ)12. 11.   Mid-term essay 19. 11.   Commercial revolutions: Traveling, long-distance trade and emergence of global market (RZ)26. 11.   Intellectual history of Europe: From res publica litteraria to the Republic of Letters (VČ)03. 12.   From colonization to imperialism: Rise of Europe’s global hegemony (RZ)10. 12.   From "Europe of the Devout" to "Europe of Nations" - The Rise of Nationalism (VČ)17. 12.  Immigration: Europe on the Move and in Transition (VČ)07. 01.   Final essay


PhDr. Roman ZaoralMgr. Veronika Čapská, Ph.D.


PhDr. Roman Zaoral