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Předmět Revolutions of Visible Time: Imagination, Convulsions and Convolutions of Astronomy, Geology and Art in 17. and 18. Century (YBF215)

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The course will proceed over specific texts (Copernicus, Brahe, Bruno, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Pringle, Werner, Goethe, Hutton, Lyell) and images (Raffael, Dürer, Giotto, Cigoli, Hevelius, Seghers, Caspar David Friedrich, emblematic images of all kinds), as well as motifs (comets, meteors, globes, new worlds, imaginary travels, utopia, gravity, providence...) to show how the imagination opened the universe for the cal culations, and how the universe lost in one century-long causal development its providential innocence and became vast, infinite and indifferent - and how 18th century surprisingly fought with it's own discoveries.


Mgr. Ondřej Váša