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Předmět Central Europe in the Later Middle Ages: Politics, Economy, Everyday Life (YBH126)

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Lectures 1. Crisis of the Late Middle Ages. The role of Central Europe (RZ) 2. The Luxembourgs and the Angevins in Central Europe (RZ) 3. Triangle trade: Italy, Flanders and Central Europe (RZ) 4. Anne of Bohemia. Dynastic marriage as a precondition for cultural and political contacts with England and Scandinavia in the late Middle Ages (MS) 5. Hussites and lollards; the anti-Hussite crusade in England (RZ) 6. Midterm essay 7. Building the St Vitus cathedral. Everyday life at the medieval construction site (MS) 8. “On the Road” in partibus Boemie. The economic aspects of late medieval aristocratic travel (MS) 9. Pilgrimages. Journeys of papal legates and collectors to Central Europe (RZ) 10. Medieval book. An example of the Prague Metropolitan Chapter Library (MS) 11. The story of the sixth century fragment of St Mark’s gospel through fourteen centuries. Politics, relics and economy (MS) 12. Final essayLiteratureWim Blockmans, Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Introduction to Medieval Europe 300-1550. London, Routledge 2007.Margaret Aston, The Fifteenth Century: The Prospect of Europe. London 1969.Marek Suchý, England and Bohemia in the Time of Anne of Luxembourg. Dynastic Marriage as a Precondition for Cultural Contact in the late Middle Ages, in: Prague and Bohemia. Medieval Art, Architecture and Cultural Exchange in Central Europe, (ed.) Zoe Opačić, Leeds 2009, pp. 8-21.Roman Zaoral, Silver and glass in medieval trade and cultural exchange between Venice and the Bohemian Kingdom, Český časopis historický. The Czech Historical Review 109, No. 2, pp. 235-261.Jiří Vnouček - Marek Suchý, The story of the Prague fragment of St Mark’s gospel through fourteen centuries. A new approach to an established narrative, in: Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 9, 2006, s. 83-112.


PhDr. Roman ZaoralMgr. Marek Suchý, Ph.D.


Mgr. Marek Suchý, Ph.D.PhDr. Roman Zaoral