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Předmět GLBT filmová studia v transnacionální perspektivě (YMG147)

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Kateřina KolářováKH/office hours: UT/Tue 18:00-19:00(or as individually arranged) cakaba@seznam.cz I will be happy to discuss issues raised in the class, your presentation as well as the final project with you indivudally. Please let me know in advance if/when you want to come to the office hours. Of couse, you can also just drop by, however, somebody else might be just speaking to me...) Plagiarism in any form will be turned over to the ethical committee of the faculty; the procedure can result in expulsion from studies. In case of uncertainty how to quote or use primary material consult any citation manual. I will be also happy to help.  I. INTRODUCING QUEER FILM 6.10. Gay (and Lesbian) or Queer Cinema?  What are GLBT film studies?Is there a difference between GLBTI (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans_, Intesex…) and Queer film/film criticism?Should we care about good and positive representations of GLBTIAQ people?Why film? And does it all matter, really? Readings:Michele Aaron, "New Queer Cinema: An Introduction" (3-14) Anneke Smelik, "Gay and Lesbian Criticism" Film Studies: Critical Approaches. J. Hill, Ann Kaplan. eds. 2000, 133-145 Alexander Doty,  "Queer Theory" Film Studies. Critical Approaches. J. Hill, Ann Kaplan. eds. 2000, 146-150  In-class Screening: Fabulous! The Story of a Queer Cinema (Lisa Ades and Lesli Klainberg, US, 2006) 20.10.   Section I: The festival as a political/queer space (prezentace Bc)B. Ruby Rich. "The New Homosexual Film Festivals". GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 12, Number 4, 2006, pp. 620-625 Selection of very short opinion-texts:Ragan Rhyne. "The Global Economy of Gay and Lesbian Film Festivals"Yau Ching. "Bridges and Battles"Brocka Allan. "A Theater full of Queer People"Bill Basquin. "A Site for Queer Reproduction" In-class Screening: Mezipatra trailor(s) Section II: Rainbow histories and medial presents Věra Sokolová, "Skládání duhové mozaiky: Česká sexuologie a ‚ lesbická‛ a ‚gay‛ orální historie v komunistickém Československu", monotematické číslo: Hraniční práce ve feministických studiích", Marcela Linková, Iva Šmídová, Eds. Gender-rovné příležitosti-výzkum, 13.2 (2012): 28-39 Dita Jahodová, "Konceptualizace transsexuality v českém medicínském diskurzu a dokumentárním filmu po roce 1989", monotematické číslo: "Tělesná jinakost" jako kategorie historické analýzy, Kateřina Kolářová, Lucie Storchová, Eds. Dějiny - Teorie - Kritika 6.2 (2011): Kateřina Kolářová, "Homosexuální "asociál" a jeho zavirované tělo: vir HIV a nemoc AIDS v socialistickém diskurzu (Československo 1983-89)" Miluji tvory svého pohlaví: Homosexualita v dějinách a společnosti českých zemí. Himl, P., Seidl, P., Schindler, F. (eds.). Argo: Praha, 2013. Pp. 411-453    3.11. Neoliberalisms and Queer politics Binnie, Jon. "Neoliberalism, Class, Gender and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Politics in Poland." International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 27.2 (2014): 241-57. Web. Anastasia Kayiatos, Shock and Alla : capitalist cures for socialist perversities at the end of the twentieth century, Lambda nordica; 2012(17):4, s. 33-64 (text bude doplnen) In-class discussion of the "Getting Better campaign"   WORKSHOP 5.11.-12.11[SEPARATE TIME SCHEDULE APPLIES, (separate programme will be provided in October)] 


Mgr. Kateřina Kolářová, Ph.D.


Mgr. Kateřina Kolářová, Ph.D.