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Předmět Historical Comparative Sociology (YMH501)

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 1.     General introduction; changing interpretations of the relationship between history and sociology. Reading: Abrams, Philip, Historical Sociology,1982, Shepton Mallet: Open Books. 2.     Comparative analysis and historical sociology. Reading: Skocpol, Theda, and Somers, Margaret, "The uses of comparative history in macrosocial inquiry", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1980: 2, 174-197 (available in the Moodle system). 3.     Classical sociology and its significance for contemporary historical sociology.Reading: Giddens, Anthony, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, 1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (available in Moodle system). 4.     Max Weber's work as a paradigm for historical sociology, I: An outline of Weber's evolving project.Reading: Weber, Max, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, London: Routledge, 2001; Bendix, Reinhard, Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait,  London: Methuen, 1969. 5.     Max Weber's work, II: The comparative analysis of the West as a civilizational formation.Reading: Weber, Max, "Author's introduction"to The Protestant Ethic; Nelson, Benjamin, "Max Weber's 'Author's introduction: A master clue to his main aims", available in Moodle system. 6.     Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim: Importance and limits of their contributions to historical sociology.Reading: Giddens, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory; Marx-Engels, The Communist Manifesto.  7.     The twentieth-century separation of history and sociology, and attempts to overcome it.Reading: Elias, Norbert, "The retreat of sociologists into the present", Theory, Culture and Society, 1987: 4, 223-247; Parsons, Talcott, Societies:Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives, Glencoe: Free Press, 1969. 8. Norbert Elias and his conception of a sociology of figurations.Reading: Mennell, Stephen, Norbert Elias: Civilization and the Human Self-Image, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1989; Elias, Norbert, What is Sociology?, New York: Columbia University Press, 1989. 9.Representative works of contemporary historical sociology, I: Michael MannReading: Mann, Michael, Sources of Social Power, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, ch. 1 and 16; Hall, John, and Schroeder, Ralph (ed), An Anatomy of Power: The Social Theory of Michael Mann, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2006. 10. Representative works , II: Michael Mann (cont.), Ernest  GellnerReading: Gellner, Ernest,   Plough, Sword and Book: The Structure of Human History, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.     11. Representative works, III: Marcel Gauchet. The problem of culture in contemporary historical sociology.   Reading: Gauchet, Marcel, The Disenchantment of the World, Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1999; Alexander, Jeffrey, "The strong progrsam in cultural sociology", in Turner, Jonathan (ed.), Handbook of Sociological Theory, New York:Kluwer, 2001 (Alexander's text is available in Moodle system). 12. General recapitulation.  Literature:DELANTY, G., ISIN, E., Handbook of Historical Sociology, London: Sage, 2003 SMITH, D., The Rise of Historical Sociology, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991.ABRAMS, P., Historical Sociology, Somerset: Open Books, 1981.SPOHN, W. "Historical and Comparative Sociology in a Globalizing World." In: Historická sociologie, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009, pp. 9-27.


doc. PhDr. Jiří Šubrt, CSc.


doc. PhDr. Jiří Šubrt, CSc.