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Předmět Historical Sociology of Knowledge, Culture, and Religion (YMH503)

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 1.       History and Sociology. "Paradigma Montesquieu" (Laws about Nature and Society). "Paradigma von Ranke" (State, State Interest and Politics).2.       Culture and Democracy (A. de Tocqueville)3.       Conceptualization of Society and Religion (K. Marx).   4.       Conceptualization of Religion and Culture (M.Weber). .5.       Conceptualization of Society  (M.Weber). .6.       Conception of Politics, Power and Society (V.Pareto).7.       Conception of Culture, Society and Politics (H. Arendt)..8.       Comte´s and Durkheim´s Conception of Society.9.       Durkheim´s Conception of Religion.10.    Historical interpretations (S. Freud, M. Foucault).11.    Discourses, Paradigmas and Worldviews (T. Kuhn).12.    Conclusion and Debate. Literature:Aron, Raymond: Main Currents in Sociological Thought I, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1981.Aron, Raymond:Main Currents in Sociological Thought II, London, Penguin Books, 1990.Nisbet, Robert: The Sociological Tradition. New York, Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, 1966. Optional literature:Canovan Margaret, The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt,  London, J.M. Dent&Sons Ltd., Aldine House, 1974.Hamilton Peter, Sigmund Freud, Chichester, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1983.Parkin Frank, Max Weber, London, Routledge, 1991.Smart Barry, Michel Foucault, Chichester, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1985.Thompson  Kenneth, Emile Durkheim, London, Routledge, 1983.Worsley Peter, Marx and Marxism, Chichester, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1982.


Mgr. Lucie Cviklová, M.A., Ph.D.


Mgr. Lucie Cviklová, M.A., Ph.D.