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Předmět Grounded Theory (YMH508)

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1.  Qualitative research, general characteristics and principles, question of standardization and reliability, question of representativeness, preliminary research, research stages, when research finishes - distinction from quantitative research,(hypothesis formulation, operacionalization, data collection and testing hypotheses through survey or otherwise gained quantitative data).Qualitative methods: distinction of single traditions, testing or building hypothesis? (1. Biographical, historical and clinical research - method of life histories, 2. ethnography, 3. phenomenology, ethnomethodology, interpretative practices 4. grounded theory, 5. case study) Creswell, J. W. 1998 (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks/London/New Delhi: Sage, pp 47-72, Ch. 4. Five Qualitative Traditions of InquiryDenzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. 1994. "Introduction: Entering the field of qualitative research." In N. K. Denzin , Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 1-17 nebo 2008 "Introduction: Entering the field of qualitative research." In N. K. Denzin , Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.) Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Los Angales Sage, pp. 1-172. The origins of qualitative methods in biographical, historical and clinical research - method of life histories, oral history McLeod, J., Thomson, R. 2009. Researching Social Change: Qualitative Approaches. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington: Sage, pp 1-79 - Ch. 1. Researching Change and Continuity, 2. Memory-Work, 3. Oral and Life History, 4. Qualitative Longitudinal Research Schrager, S. 1998. "What is Social in Oral History?". In R. Perks and A. Thomson (eds.) The Oral History Reader. London, New York: Routledge, pp 284-299Presentations of 2 research studies3. Grounded theory - research matter, sources of GT, theoretical sensitivity, maintaining balance between creativity and science Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California: Sage, Ch. 2, 3, 4.Presentations of 2 research studies4. Analytical steps of grounded theory - coding stages, 3 main types of coding (open, axial, selective) Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California: Sage, Introduction to II. part - Coding practicesLansissalmi, H., Peiró, J. M., Kivimaki, M. 2005. "Grounded Theory in Organizational Research". In C. Cassell, G. Symon (Eds.) Essential Guide to Qualitative Research in Organizational Research. London, Thousand Oaks, New Dehli: Sage, pp 242-255Presentations of 2 research studies 5. Open coding - features, dimensions, dimensionalizing as the process of breaking down single features into their single dimensions - comparing and asking questions as 2 essential analytical ways - coining phenomenon, determining categories - developing features and dimensions of the categories, first cycle coding methods (Saladana 2009) Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California: Sage, Ch. 5. Saladana, J. 2009. The Coding Manual for Qualtiative Researchers. Los Engeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington DC: Sage, pp 45-148, K. 3. First Cycle Coding Methods Presentations of 2 research studies 6.  Techniques of increasing theoretical receptivity - Flip-flop Technique, systematic comparison of two or more phenomena  (in the initial phase of analysis), comparing with further phenomena, waving red flag  - what to do to overcome our thinking patterns and still retained all important from our experiences and the knowledge gained from reading Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California: Sage, Ch. 6. Presentations of 2 research studies 7. Axial coding - again sorting out the data new way after open coding, conditioning influences, causing and intervening conditions, context, acting strategies and interactions, consequences - relating subcategories to categories, merging categories, connecting categories at dimensional level,second cycle coding methods (Saladana 2009) Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California:Sage, Ch. 7. Saladana, J. 2009. The Coding Manual for Qualtiative Researchers. Los Engeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington DC: Sage, pp 149-184, K. 4. Second Cycle Coding Methods Presentations of 2 research studies 8. Selective coding - selecting one central category and its systematic introduction into relation with other categories, higher - more abstract level of analysis and, at the same time, similarity with axial coding, central category - central phenomena and assembling  of other categories around - systematization and deepening links  -  heading towards proposing grounded theory Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California: Sage, Ch. 8. Presentations of 2 research studies 9. Come back of the story  - process of interconnecting sequences of acts and interactions involving the central phenomena and strengthening the dynamics of grounded theory -  randomness, induction and deduction and the question of change  - How and where search for changes indicating process?  - description of process. Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California:Sage, Ch. 8 and 9. 3 presentations-discussions of own research projects on the base of a preliminary mini-research (including, at the minimum, analysis of one transcript of an interview) 10. Matrix of conditioning influences as analytical tool for assessment of huge variety of conditioning influences and consequences related to the researched phenomena  - recognition and lining single levels of conditions and consequences - grounded theory as transaction system, conditioning trajectories, theories coming from  empirical base - substantive versus formal theory Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California:Sage, Ch. 10 and 11. 3 presentations-discussions of own research projects on the base of a preliminary mini-research (including, at the minimum, analysis of one transcript of an interview) 11. Making samples emerging from rising theory, recordings and schemas, post-coding and pre-writing (Saldana 2009)Strauss, A., Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California:Sage, Ch. 11 and 12. Saladana, J. 2009. The Coding Manual for Qualtiative Researchers. Los Engeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington DC: Sage, pp 185-193, - Ch. 5. Post-coding and pre-writing3 presentations-discussions of own research projects on the base of a preliminary mini-research (including, at the minimum, analysis of one transcript of an interview)12. Ethnography as further original source of qualitative approach in social sciences: ethnographic method. Phenomenological and ethnomethodological approaches,  and approach of interpretative practices (discursive analysis, frame analysis, critical discursive analysis-CDA, functional pragmatics). Approach of case study, comparative research and combined research - how to cross borderlines between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Silverman, D. 2006. Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing Talk, Text and Interaction. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage, pp 65-152 - K. 3 Ethnography and Observation, K.4 Interviews, pp 241-243 - Ch. 7 Visual Images3 presentations-discussions of own research projects on the base of a preliminary mini-research (including, at the minimum, analysis of one transcript of an interview)Required titles:-Strauss, A.  Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: California: Sage.-Saladana, J. 2009. The Coding Manual for Qualtiative Researchers. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC: Sage.-Silverman, D. 2006. Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing Talk, Text and Interaction. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage.Concrete research studies for analysis and discussion in seminar (texts for presentation)Weaver E. S., Coleman M., 2005 A mothering but not a mother role: A grounded theory study of the nonresidential stepmother role. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 22(4): 477-497 Boyle D. E., Marshall L. N., Robertson W. W. 2003 Gender at Play: Fourth-Grade Girls and Boys on the Playground. American Behavioral Scientist 46(10): 1326-1345 Rogers A. 2005 Chaos to Control: Men´s Magazines and the Mastering of Intimacy. Men and Masculinities 8 (2): 175-194 De Souza P., Ciclitira K. 2005 Men and Dieting: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Health Psychology 10 (6): 793-804 Wood T. J. 2004 Monsters and victims: Male felons´ accounts of intimate partner violence. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21(5): 555-576 Faulkner L. S., Mansfield P. K. 2002 Reconciling Messages: The Process of Sexual Talk for Latinas. Qualitative Health Research 12 (3): 310-328 Draucker B. C., Stern P. N. 2002 Women´s Responses to Sexual Violence by Male Intimates. Western Journal of Nursing Research 22(4): 385-406  Sanders T. 2008 Male Sexual Scripts: Intimacy, Sexuality and Pleasure in the Purchase of Commercial Sex. Sociology 42 (3): 400 - 417 Tomášek  M. 2006 Singles a jejich  vztahy: kvalitativní pohled na nesezdané a nekohabitující jednotlivce v České republice. Sociologický časopis 42 (1): 81-105 Slepičková L. 2009 Neplodnost jeho a neplodnost její: Genderové aspekty asistované reproedukce. Sociologický časopis 45 (1), 177-203. Bartošová M. 2009 Ženy po třicítce -příklad specifických reprodukčních strategií a jejich zdrojů. Sociologický časopis. 45 (1): 147-176. Hamar E. 2007 Osm migrujících žen a jejich transnacionální sdílený svět. Sociologický časopis 43 (1): 69-88. Křížková A. 2003 Kariérní vzorce žen v managementu. Strategie žen v rámci genderového režimu organizace.Sociologický časopis 39 (4): 447-467. Havlíková J. 2010 Přechod do dospělosti dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných absolventů učebních oborů z Brna a okolí. Sociologický časopis 46 (1): 73-99


Mgr. Marcel Tomášek


Mgr. Marcel Tomášek