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Předmět Advanced Data Analysis in MS Excel (JEB111)

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Description:This course is aimed to provide the students with proper tools and knowledge to handle various types of data while struggling with their homework or theses, which is done on a commonly available platform of MS Excel. After a general short repetition (depending on the current knowledge of the attendants) of basic excel features and functions we torn to more sophisticated data analysis, searching tools, filtering and advanced formatting. Should there be any specific needs resulting from the other courses’ tasks, this course will definitely address them. In a nutshell, the course should serve to strengthen and deepen the knowledge of MSExcel which should help the students to make their work on projects quicker and more efficient as well as enhance their position in possible job interviews with a useful skill.Content:Introduction to excel, logical functionsMathematical functionsLookup and reference functionsInformation/Error functionsText functionsDate and time functionsConditional formatingSorting, Filters, Pivot tablePivot table, GoalseekChartsIntroduction to Macros (project preparation)Literature:Craig Stinson, Mark Dodge: Mistrovství v Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (Microsoft excel Inside out), Computer Press. - but any handbook will do. No book is required, but might come handy.


Petr Polák, MSc.


Mgr. Lucie KraicováPetr Polák, MSc.