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Předmět Managing Multimedia Projects (JJB086)

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The objective of this course is to familiarize students with various aspects of project management and give students the ability to apply these concepts as part of workshops, in their homework assignments.




Texts for this class will be provided in a form of photocopies or downloaded pdfs. Although encouraged students are not required to buy the books.Required reading:FINNEY, Elaine England and Andy. Managing multimedia: project management for Web and convergent media. 3rd ed. New York: Addison-Wesley, 2002, xi, 340 p. McGraw-Hill "Demystified" series. ISBN 02-017-2898-2.ROBERTS, Paul. Effective project management. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page, 2011, x, 291 p. ISBN 07-494-6158-6.KEMP, Sid. Project management demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, xi, 340 p. McGraw-Hill "Demystified" series. ISBN 00-714-4014-3.The Philosophy of UI Design: Fundamental Principles. USA: Apple, 1992. Available at: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AppleHIGuidelines/HIPrinciples/HIPrinciples.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000353-TP6NORMAN, Donald A. The design of everyday things. 1st Basic paperback. New York: Basic Books, 2002c1988, xxi, 257 p. ISBN 04-650-6710-7.NIELSEN, Jacob. How Users Read on the Web. [online]. 1997. vyd. [cit. 2013-04-27]. Available: http://www.nngroup.com/articles/how-users-read-on-the-web/Optional reading:NIELSEN, Jakob a Kara PERNICE. Eyetracking web usability. Berkeley, CA.: New Riders, 2010, xix, 437 p. ISBN 03-214-9836-4.SCHNEIER, Bruce. Secrets and lies: digital security in a networked world : [with new information about post-9/11 security]. Pbk. ed. Indianapolis: Wiley, 2000. ISBN 04-714-5380-3.KAHN, David. The codebreakers: the story of secret writing. [Rev. ed.]. New York: Scribner, c1996, xviii, 1181 p. ISBN 06-848-3130-9.NIELSEN, Jacob. Teenage Usability: Designing Teen-Targeted Websites. NIELSEN NORMAN GROUP. [online]. [cit. 2013-04-27]. Available at: http://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-of-websites-for-teenagers/CHOUINARD, Yvon. Let my people go surfing the education of a reluctant businessman. 6th ed. New York: Penguin, 2006. ISBN 01-430-3783-8.HSIEH, Tony. Delivering happiness: a path to profits, passion, and purpose. 1st ed. New York: Business Plus, 2010. ISBN 04-465-6304-8.HONEY, Peter. Improve your people skills. 2nd ed. [with extra material]. London: CIPD, 2001. ISBN 08-529-2903-X.BRUCE, Anne. How to motivate every employee: 24 proven tactics to spark productivity in the workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill, c2003, ix, 48 p. ISBN 00-714-1333-2.MEYER, Danny. Setting the table: the transforming power of hospitality in business. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2008. ISBN 00-607-4276-3.


MSc. Ondřej Juřík


MSc. Ondřej Juřík