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Předmět Future Media Experiences (JJM009)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu JJM009 - Future Media Experiences, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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Evaluation:Active participation in the sessions and execution of a practical individual or team project are required in order to successfully pass the unit. Firstly, the maximum of three missed classes will be allowed. Secondly, the project-based evaluation will ask the students to demonstrate their creative, critical and reflective thinking that is informed by academic literature as well as the latest media innovations. The practical projects will be highly individual, formed around students’ own interests and career aspirations, varying from anything such a high definition online radio podcast, a mobile app and a cross-platform interactive story or game. The unit is designed specifically for self-depended and curious students who are keen to experiment and dive into learning by play and guided self-learning.Unit content and organisation:The ninety-minute sessions are organised as seminars and workshops with a great emphasis on active participation. The discussions are being fuelled by cross-cultural and interdisciplinary academic and industry research and practice, as well as by the students’ own experience and discovery. A number of media industry guest talks will be organised and based around students’ own interests that will be discussed during the first session, or possibly before in virtual space.Whilst the content of practical sessions will be subjected to students’ interests, the theoretical underpinning will be framed around these themes:  *   Cross-platform media;  *   Transmedia narratives and paratexts;  *   Convergence and life in media;  *   Creativity, participation and innovation;  *   Remediation;  *   Immediacy and hypermediacy;  *   Technological and social determinism and actor-network theory


Recommended literature:Wired and Mashable!!!Auslander, P., 1999. Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture. London: Routledge.Baudrillard, J., 2000. Simulacra & Simulation. Michigan: University of Michigan.Brooker, W. 2012. Hunting the Dark Knight: Twenty-First Century Batman. New York  I.B. Tauris.Darley, A., 2000. Visual Digital Culture. London: Routledge.Deuze, M., 2011. Media Life. Media, Culture & Society, 33(1), 137 -148.Eriksen, T., 2001. Tyranny of the Moment: Fast and Slow Time in the Information Age. London: Pluto Press.Fuery, P and Fuery, K., 2003. Visual Cultures and Critical Theory. London: Arnold.Graf, P., 2004. Independent report into BBC Online. HMSO: Department for Media, Culture and Sport.Le Grice, M., 2001. Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age. London: BFI.Lessig, L., 2004. Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity. London: Penguin.Rose, F. 2011. The Art of Immersion: How The Digital Generation is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the Way We Tell Stories. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company.Seiter, E., 2003. New Technologies. In: Miller, T, ed, Television Studies. London: BFI.Van Loon, J. 2008. Media Technology: Critical Perspectives. Maidenhead & New York: Open University Press.Woodfall, A., and Zezulkova, M., 2015 [forthcoming]. What ‘Children’ Experience and ‘Adults’ May Overlook: Phenomenological Approaches to Media Practice, Education and Research. Journal of Children and Media - 10th anniversary special issue.Ytreberg, E. 2009. Extended Liveness and Eventfulness in Multiplatform Reality Formats. In: New Media Society, vol. 11, no. 4. p.467-485.


Mgr. Markéta Zezulková, MA, PGCE