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Předmět New Media and Convergence Culture (JJM235)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu JJM235 - New Media and Convergence Culture, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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The class is in the form of lecture interspersed with discussion on readings and on the current topics in new media. The students are required to be prepared for discussion, do the readings, write a short blog post about a new media topic of their interest and write a 5 page (9000 chars including spaces) essay (details will be given). Examples will be given from all kinds of new media from all parts of the world. The list of topic and readings follows. All readings are available in the University's information system.BLOG / MID-TERM ASSIGNMENT:A journalistic piece about a topic related to those we go through in class. The connection between the theoretical concepts you learned in class and the topic should be made explicit. The article should fulfil two goals: 1. Inform about the phenomenon/content/application/service/text/institution. 2. Assess it from the point of view of a future expert on new media (even if you don’t want to be one, try to assume that role). By assessment, I mean a brief analysis that situates it in the context of the social and cultural processes related to the processes of "convergence".When looking for a topic: 1. Avoid repeating old ones, unless you can offer a markedly different or innovative take on it. 2. Try to come up with something original, either in terms of content or your analysis. You are encouraged to, but do not have to, refer to a phenomenon from your own countries. The point is for others and your lecturer to learn something new.Choose a clear and catchy headline a take advantage of the possibilities of hypertext, i.e. links, embedded images and videos. (Blog posts actually look plain and ugly without any images.)Length: 600-1200 words (3600-7200 characters w/spaces)The deadline is November 29, 11:59pm. TESTTwo questions based ONLY on the readings assigned to this semester's individual sessions in the syllabus. In case there were two alternative readings, BOTH can appear in the test. The tests IMCLUDE the reading for the session during which the test will take place.The questions are open-ended and focus on the BASIC concepts and arguments made in the readings.You will have 5 minutes for each question, 10 minutes total. You can get 0,5 or 1 point per question. (MAXIMUM of 4 points)Test dates: November 11, December 9Test Results: Will be linked 


Mgr. Jaroslav Švelch, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jaroslav Švelch, Ph.D.