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Předmět Critical Issues in U.S. - Chinese Relations (JMM600)

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SELECTION TOPICS which will be covered: 16.2.     Introduction to the course 23.2.    GUEST SPEAKER: Introduction into the Sino-American Relations  2.3.      China Challenge and Bush Administration Zheng Bijian, "China’s "Peaceful Rise" to Great-Power Status," Foreign Affairs, September/October 2005Randall L. Schweller, Xiayu Pu, "After Unipolarity: China´s Visions of International Order in an Era of U.S. Decline," International Security, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Summer 2011): pp. 41-72. 9.3. U.S. and China’s Rise   - Obama and ChinaHillary Clinton, "America’s Pacific Century," Foreign Policy (November 2011), available online. David Shambaugh, "A New China Requires a New U.S. Strategy," Current History, September 2010.  16.3.  No class 23.3.  China´s Foreign Policy Making - Actors and Schoolsreading will be provided later 30.3. China´s New Security Concept, China´s MilitaryA Statement Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Hearing on China Military Modernization and the Cross Strait Balance, Sept 15, 2005, by Thomas J. Christensen.Sean Chen, John Feffer, China´s Military Spending: Soft Rise or Hard Threat, Asian Perspective, Vol. 33, No. 4 (2009): pp. 47-67 6.4.  Easter Monday - no class 13.4.  Going to War over Taiwan?reading will be provided later 20.4. US v. China in Near Neighborhood: South China Sea - case study, East China SeaEvan S. Medeiros, "The New Security Drama in East Asia. The Responses of U.S. Allies and Security Partner’s to China’s Rise," Naval War College Review 62, no. 4 (Autumn 2009).Björn Jerdén , Linus Hagström, "Rethinking Japan's China Policy: Japan as an Accommodator in the Rise of China, 1978-2011," Journal of East Asian Studies, May/August 2012. 27.4. Global issues (regional cooperation, ASEAN, ASEAN + 3, North Korea), Washington Consensus Vs. Beijing Consensus Bill Powell, Meet Kim Jong Un, Time, February 27, 2012, pp. 28-34.John Williamson, "Is the Beijing Consensus Now Dominant?" Asia Policy, January 2012.4.5.  GUEST SPEAKER (TBC) China-U.S. economic/trade relations (TPP)Reading: To be added. 11.5.  Guest Speaker (TBC)America Vs. China - Energy Security & the Quest for Oil Roland Dannreuther, "China and Global Oil: Vulnerability and Opportunity," International Affairs, November 2011. 


Mgr. Jana Sehnálková