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Předmět Security in Africa (JPM306)

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COURSE STRUCTURE:(Case studies and key readings will be added shortly)1. HISTORICAL DIMENSIONS: COLONIAL and POSTCOLONIAL AFRICA (20.2.2015)  2. STATE IN AFRICA AND IDENTITY POLITICS (6.3.2015)Case Study: KENYAReadings:Rutten, M. and S. Owuor (2009), "Weapons of Mass Destruction: Land, ethnicity and the 2007 elections in Kenya", In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 305-324.Githongo, J. (2008), "Kenya - Riding the Tiger". In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 359-367.Cheeseman, N.; G. Lynch and J. Willis (2014), "Democracy and its discontents: understanding Kenya´s 2013 elections", In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 2-24.Lonsdale, J. (2008), "Soil, work, civilisation, and citizenship in Kenya", In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 305-314. (LEAVE THIS ONE AS THE LAST TO READ, it is easier to follow when you already have an idea about what is going on in Kenya...) 3. VIOLENCE AND CONFLICT IN AFRICA - CAUSES and PROCESS (20.3.2015)Case Study: DRCAutesserre S. (2012), "Dangerous tales: Dominant narratives on the Congo and their unintended consequences", In: African Affairs, Vol. 111, No. 443, pp. 202-222.Eriksson Baaz, M. and J. Verweijen (2013), "The volatility of a half-cooked bouillabaisse: Rebel-military integration and conflict dynamics in the eastern DRC", In: African Affairs, Vol. 112, No. 449, pp. 563-582.Stearns, J.K. (2014), "Causality and conflict: tracing the origins of armed groups in the eastern Congo", In: Peacebuilding, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 157-171.Laudati, A. (2013), "Beyond minerals: broadening ‘economies of violence’ in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo", In: Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 40, No. 135, pp. 32-50.... and a voluntary reading on autochtony a the land issue / interesting both with its perspective of the conflict in DRC but may be useful also for those who found that issue interesting in the Kenyan case.Bøås, M. and K. Dunn (2014), "Peeling the onion: autochthony in North Kivu, DRC", In: Peacebuilding, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 141-156.... if you want more up to date information of politics and security in the DRC, you can check these blogs by Jason Stearns http://congosiasa.blogspot.cz/ and Christoph Vogel http://christophvogel.net/  


PhDr. Kateřina Werkman, Ph.D.