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Předmět Conflict & Cooperation in International Basins (JPM425)

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Course syllabusCourse structure - Conflict and cooperation in international watersheds1        Introduction method and course content2        History of water society nexus2.1          History of water conflict and cooperation2.2          Nile watershed3        Water and space3.1          Political geography and Physical geography of water3.2          Environmental determinism, international and internationalized rivers3.3          Rivers of North American subcontinent4        Water and complexity theory4.1          Survey to study of complex phenomena (terms, authors, "C" theories)4.2          Watershed as an open system4.3          Case study - Mekong river5        Introduction to the system International water law5.1          Evolution of international water law5.2          Customary norms of international laws and borders at international rivers as an emergent phenomena6        International water treaties and judicial decisions6.1          Water treaty - basic instrument of international water cooperation6.2          Decision of the International court of Justice in the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros case7        Water institutions7.1          Role of international organizations (UN, ILA, ILC, UNESCO…)7.2          RBOs in African Continent8        Water: commodity or basic human right8.1          Ownership of water in the religious and secular normative systems8.2          Economic approach to water allocation and quest for Parreto-optimal distribution8.3          Game theory and transboundary water allocation8.4          Case study - watersheds of South America9        Threats to transboundary watershed equilibrium9.1          Equilibrium, sustainability and stressors9.2          Basins at risk and evolving water institutions9.3          Water infrastructure9.4          Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya watershed and desiccation of Aral sea10           Quantitative research of international watersheds and sources of water data10.1        Geopolitical, socioeconomic and biophysical data10.2        Software tools and decision support systems10.3        Case study - Indus and Ganga-Brahmaputra-Mengha11           Water as catalyst for peace or fuel to the war11.1        Presentation of student case studies11.2        General discussion


PhDr. Mgr. Jakub Landovský, Ph.D.


PhDr. Mgr. Jakub Landovský, Ph.D.