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Předmět Euroatlantic Community in Action: NATO Operations after Cold War (ACIS) (JPM564)

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The main goal of the course is to help its students understand how a Cold War defence alliance transformed into a security ‘exporter’ through various forms of expeditionary interventions. It will present the situation of and within NATO at selected moments of its post-Cold War history, drawing attention to complex and often uneasy decision-making which led to the aforementioned operations. The course strives to demonstrate that the selected course of action was by no means self-evident at the moment when the decisions were undertaken, and that narrower or broader range of alternative policy options always existed - thus helping the students grasp the complex and often capricious nature of the security environment and international relations. To reinforce this understanding, the course will utilize the concept of ‘counterfactual history’. In their presentations, students will explore alternative policies and streams of historical development from NATO’s point of view. 


Introductory session: Information on course structure, teaching methods and credit requirements (8.10.)




JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.


JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.