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Předmět Euroatlantic Community and Strategic Culture (JPM570)

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Recent military interventions by the U.S. and its Allies in Afghanistan have brought to the forefront the issue of insurgency and counterinsurgency. This course attempts to answer the question whether the decision to apply the methods of counterinsurgency (COIN) in both cases amounts to a paradigmatic shift in the strategic culture of the members of the Euro-Atlantic community. Its focus is not so much on what the Allies have been doing in Afghanistan and/or Iraq, but rather why they have been doing it and what the implications of their actions are for their security and defense policies as members, and as a community.The course focuses on three major topics. Firstly, it outlines and explains the concept of strategic culture - its theoretical foundations, evolution and application to specific cases. Secondly, it deals with the practice of expeditionary warfare since the end of Cold War, especially in the Euro-Atlantic context. Finally, it examines the concept of counterinsurgency, its evolution and application in contemporary operations of Euro-Atlantic allies. The case of counterinsurgency will be used to present the ‘ultimate’ form of contemporary expeditionary warfare waged by NATO member countries, and demonstrate its impact on strategic culture(s) of the states involved.


Introductory lesson (1.10.) Lesson A/ Transatlantic security consensus: reality or mirage? (8.10.)Lesson B/ Strategic culture: an evolution of the concept (15.10.)Lesson C/ U.S. strategic culture: current developments and their determinants (22.10.)Lesson D/ Strategic cultures in Europe (Britain, France, Germany, Poland) (29.10.)Lesson E/ EU and defence: towards a European strategic culture? (5.11.)Lesson F/ Peacekeeping, stabilization operations, expeditionary warfare etc.: mapping the conceptual boundaries of expeditionary warfare (12.11.)Lesson G/ Out-of-area conflict management in transatlantic strategic culture post-Cold War (panel discussion) (19.11.)Lesson H/ From Galula to Petraeus: the evolution of the concept of counterinsurgency (3.12.)Lesson I/ Case-study I: U.S. counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq (10.12.)Lesson J/ Case-study II: NATO and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan (17.12.) 


Please see the syllabus.


CREDIT REQUIREMENTS:active participation in class discussions (20 points)based on required reading materials  - available either in SIS or in Charles University online databases (JSTOR, EBSCO)participation in a panel discussion - lesson G (30 points)group presentation on a selected topicparticipation in subsequent discussion on the development of transatlantic cooperation in expeditionary warfare since the end of Cold Warfinal paper (to be presented no later than January 30, 2015) (50 points)3000 wordsbased on the topics discussed throughout the courseconsulted with the tutor prior to writingstudents who miss the deadline will not be allowed to pass the course!!!note on plagiarism:presenting a paper which does which uses sources without making a proper reference to them will lead to an expulsion of a student from the coursesame procedure will be applied if a student presents a paper which he or she already presented in another course GRADING:100 - 90 points                 ...            excellent89 - 70 points                   ...            very good69 - 55 points                   ...            good54 points and less           ...            fail


JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.


JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.