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Předmět European Values in Global Context (JPM649)

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SYLLABUS European Values in Global Context - JPM649Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague Instructor: Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.ETCS: 5 credits Prerequisites: None PLACE: Thursday, Jinonice campus, classroom J4020TIME: 12:30-13:20 CONTACTS:Office hours: Tuesdays, 15:30-16:50, Jinonice campus, office room 3101 Email: janusz.salamon at univ-oxford.com COURSE OBJECTIVES.This interdisciplinary course is designed primarily for students of international relations, European studies and other social sciences, whose future work may benefit from an in-depth knowledge of the content, sources and the logic of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, as mirroring the ongoing debate about the foundational values of the European Union and of the emerging pan-European identity. The exploration of the roots of the European axiology will be just one of two focal points of the course, the other being comparative analysis of the European and non-European social and political values, with the question of the special place of the European project in the context of the globalizing, yet increasingly fragmented multi-polar world order looming in the background. COURSE CONTENTS:1. The role of values in the European and global politics2. Analyzing Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union3. Sources of European values (I): Dignity4. Sources of European values (II): Freedom5. Sources of European values (III): Equality6. Sources of European values (IV): Solidarity7. European Values in Comparative Perspective: Contrasting the European and American social models8. European Values in Comparative Perspective: The case of Russia9. European Values in Comparative Perspective: The Asian values debate (I)10. European Values in Comparative Perspective: The Asian values debate (II)11. European Values in Comparative Perspective: The Muslim values debate (I)12. European Values in Comparative Perspective: The Muslim values debate (II)13. European Values and Global Justice  COURSE READINGS.All readings will be available in electronic format available for download from the course website (in the SIS). Principal readings will be drawn from the following books:J.T. Checkel & P.J. Katzenstein (eds), "European Identity"R. Robyn (ed.), "The Changing Face of European Identity"F. Cerutti & S. Lucarelli, "The Search for a European Identity: Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union"S. Lucarelli & I. Manners (eds), "Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy"D.M. Green, "The Europeans: Political Identity in an Emerging Polity"J.H.H. Weiler, "The Constitution of Europe: Do The New Clothes Have an Emperor and Other Essays on European Integration"G. Delanty & C. Rumford, "Rethinking Europe: Social Theory the Implications of Europeanization"R.C.M. Mole, "Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics"E. Fligstein, "Euroclash: The EU, European Identity and the Future of Europe"G. Sheridan, "Asian Values, Western Dreams: Understanding the New Asia"L. Avonius & D. Kingsbury, "Human Rights in Asia: A Reassessment of the Asian Values Debate"A. Hurrell, "On Global Order: Power, Values and the Constitution of International Society"A. Black, "History of Islamic Political Thought"V.J. Cornell, "Voices of Islam"J.N. Pieterse, "Globalization and Culture: Global Melange"U. Hannerz, "Transnational Connections: Culture, People, Places"  COURSE GRADING:Research Paper                              20%Mid-term Exam                                40%Final Exam                                      40%Total                                                  100%  Mid-term and Final ExamsThe exams will be written and will last 80 minutes. Students will be asked to select in accordance with their preference a given number of topics from a list provided by the instructor and to discuss (in a form of short essays) relevant issues covering the material explored in class and in the related readings. Critical assessment of the theories and arguments - as opposed to mere memorisation - is expected. The exam (as well as the research paper described below) is compulsory for all enrolled students. Research Paper (ca. 2000 words, without footnotes and bibliography)The topic - to be selected by each student after a consultation with the instructor  - has to be closely related to one or more issues explored in class (and hence indicated in this syllabus). The paper is due before the last class. The paper has to be submitted in both electronic form (sent to the instructor via email) and in printed form (handed to the instructor in class). Submission of the research paper is a condition of being admitted to the written final exam. Each day of delay will cost the student 5% of the final grade. 


Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.