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Předmět Writing research project and paper in English I (JSM103)

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Writing research project and paper in English I Instructor:Paul Blokker Course objectives:The purpose of this course is to help graduate students develop skills necessary for setting up an effective research design, writing a proposal, and articulate findings in writing. The objectives include both the enhancement of students’ analytical and critical skills and their writing capabilities. This is a hands-on course in which students are expected to put in practice the principles and guidelines they read about in the texts assigned and that we discuss in class. By the end of the semester students will be able to:·         understand a writing assignment·         draft a literature review·         design research questions·         match research questions to the right method·         design a schedule of research activities·         draft a proposal·         design the outline of research paper·         evaluate peers’ proposals and research papers The emphasis will be on qualitative research methods which is usually underfunded. Course Requirements:·         Attend all classes·         Complete all (homework) assignments·         Complete all readings·         Participate in class discussion·         Complete a research proposal or a research paper by the end of the exam period·         Meet with professor at least once during the semester  Grade-composition:>90%: excellent (1)76 - 89%: very good (2)62 - 75%: good (3)< 62%: failed (4)  Programme Class 1: Introduction


Paulus Albertus Blokker, Ph.D.


Paulus Albertus Blokker, Ph.D.