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Předmět Nations and Nationalism (JSM430)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu JSM430 - Nations and Nationalism, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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1. History of the anthropological research of the nationalism (1960s – 2000);2. Theory of the Cultural and Ethnic Groups – Anthropological View. Nation in the history. Tribes and minorities in the history;3. Ernest Gellner’s and Benedict Anderson’s theories;4. Characteristic (and symbols) of the nation, tribe, culture group;5. Examples of the nationalists‘ constructions in the Central Europe (Czechs, Slovaks, Poles), the Western Europe (Scots, Welsh, Basks) and USA before 1989 – Reality and Discourse;6. Examples of the nationalists‘ constructions in post-colonial Africa, Asia and Latin America before 1989 – Reality and Discourse;7. Culture groups „without ethnicity“ and culture/ethnic groups in Di-aspora (Romanies, Jews – Israelis);8. Nations and the ethnic groups in the empires. British and French colonial empires, East Europe (Soviet empire) and China before 1989 – Reality and Discourse;9. Discourse about the Conflicting Civilisations. Post-communist Coun-tries in 1990s;10. Ethnic Processes between Chaos and Organised Effort.


Literatura:- Anderson, Benedict: 1983 - Imagined Communities. - Barth, Frederick: 1970 - Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. The social Organi-sation of culture Differences. - Gellner, E.: 1983 - Nations and Nationalism. - Holy, Ladislav.: 1996 - The Little Czech and the Great Czech Nation. - Meinhof, U. /ed./: 2002 - Living (with) Borders. Discourses of East-West Borders in Europe. Participants will discuss the books mentioned (available in library) and write 5 review-essays during course.


prof. PhDr. Josef Kandert, CSc.