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Předmět Proces tvorby politik (JSM515)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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The aim of the course is not only to get acquainted students not only with elementary theoretical thinking about policy-making process and present them some selected explanatory frameworks of this process, but also to enhance their knowledge and skills in areas of team work, rhetoric, formulation and public presentation skills, ability to resume and to present results of own analytical work, critical thinking and work with resources, time and subject-planning of the study, orientation in academic studies of policy-making process, essential command of theoretical frameworks of policy-making process for analysis, and linking theoretical findings of this area with current practice of public policies.


Introductory lecture Presentation of the content and conditions the course, explanation of student works and their division. Block 1 Lecture 1: Theoretical aspects and bases of policy-making process; policy cycle model Seminars 1 Block 2 Lecture: Institutional rational choice : the case of Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IADF) Seminars 2 Block 3 Lecture: Advocacy Coalitions Framework (ACF) Seminars 3 + midterm discussion on the course Block 4 Lecture: Multi-strem thory Seminars 4 Block 5 Lecture: Social constructions of target groups Seminars 5 Block 6 Lecture: Comparing theories of policy-making process Seminars 6 + final evaluation of the course and discussion Partial changes of the programme reserved.


Essential literature: SABATIER, Paul A. Theories of the Policy Process : Theoretical Lenses on Public Policy. Boulder, Col. and Oxford : Westview Press, 1999. SABATIER, Paul A. Theories of the Policy Process : Theoretical Lenses on Public Policy. 2nd Edition. Boulder, Col. and Oxford : Westview Press, 2007. There is Moodle application available to inscribed students, which contains other selected literature (papers) (see http://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=477).


PhDr. Vilém Novotný, Ph.D.