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Předmět Politologické aspekty tvorby politik: Veřejné politiky v kontextu politiky (JSM620)

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The aim of the course is, on the one hand, to deepen knowledge of students about the influence other political dimensions (polity - political system, liberal democracy - and politics - political parties, interest groups, and institutions producing knowledge and expertise) on policy-making process, i.e. orientation in academic study of political dimensions and mastering of theoretical frames of political science for analytical purposes in study of public policy.On the other hand, the course is aimed to improve practical skills and knowledge of students in fields of team work, rhetoric, formulation and public presentation skills, ability to resume and to present results of own analytical work, critical thinking and work with resources, time and subject-planning of the study, orientation in academic studies of policy-making process, and linking theoretical findings of this area with current practice of public policies.


Bloc I Knowlegde of and for policy process; polity-politics-policy dimensions Introduction to the course Bloc II Political system Bloc III Liberal democracy: theory and practice Bloc IV Political parties as actors in public policies Bloc V Interest groups as actors in public policies Bloc VI Knowledge and expertise in public policies There is detailed version of the syllabus available to inscribed students in the Moodle application.


Essential literatureCOLEBATCH, H. K. Úvod do policy. Brno : Barrister & Principal, 2005.FIALA, Petr; SCHUBERT, Klaus. Moderní analýza politiky. Brno : Barrister & Principal, 2005.HOWLETT, Michael; RAMESH, M.; PERL, Anthony. Studying Public Policy : Policy Cycles & Policy Subsystems. 3rd ed. Don Mills (Ont.) : Oxford University Press, 2009.KRAUS, Jiří. Rétorika a řečová kultura. Praha : Karolinum, 2004, s. 59-91.NACHTMANNOVÁ, Marta. Argumentační dovednosti. In VESELÝ, Arnošt; NEKOLA, Martin (eds.). Analýza a tvorba veřejných politik. Praha : SLON, 2007, s. 94-102.POTŮČEK, Martin a kol. Veřejná politika. Praha : SLON, 2005.Pravidla debatování pro kurz PATP v ZS 2010/11.ŠANDEROVÁ, Jadwiga. Jak číst a psát odborný text ve společenských vědách : Několik zásad pro začátečníky. Praha : SLON, 2007, s. 21-39.VESELÝ, Arnošt; NEKOLA, Martin (eds.). Analýza a tvorba veřejných politik. Praha : SLON, 2007. There is Moodle application available to inscribed students which contains other selected literature (papers) to every bloc (see http://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=673).


PhDr. Vilém Novotný, Ph.D.


PhDr. Vilém Novotný, Ph.D.