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Předmět Základní gymnastika (PGYM105C)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu PGYM105C - Základní gymnastika, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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During the process of developing the gymnastic skills that belongs to the content of the basic gymnastics, will be formed the profession skill needs for leading the warm up as well as the skills to create the conditioning programs.


Seminars:1. Development of the gymnastics concept, kinds of gymnastics, characteristics of the basic gymnastics. Division of the basic gymnastics. Presentation of the musical-movement harmony performance.2. The basic terms of the musical theory. All-round warming-up with music, examples of control exercises.3. Movement - music schooling. Gaining the basic dependence between movement and music. Walking, running, stepping variation, example of compulsory warm up.4. Characteristic rhythm, dynamics and dynamic changes in music and in movement. Rhythm in the music as well as in the movements.5. Basic Gymnastics - movement kontent, disciplinary gymnastics. Flexibility and arms (apper extermities) strengthening6. The graphical report of the exercises. The development of flexibilty and trunk strenght. 7. Physical Fitness. The development of flexibility and muscular strenght of lower extermities - legs. 8. Muscular strenght - principles and methods of development. Circuit training with hand apparatuses.9. The therms of Wellness and Fitness. Mobilisation and Coordination exercises.10. Aerobic fitness - principles and methods of development. . Exercises with hand apparatus - rope.11. Joints flexibility - principles and methods of development. Apparatus exercising - benches, balance exercises12. Acrobatic preparation. Acrobatic exercises. 13. Basic Gymnastics didactidcs. Hand apparatus and appartus exercises.14. Development of gymnastics programm. Compensatory exercises.


SKOPOVÁ, M., ZÍTKO, M. Basic Gymnastics. Praha : Karolinum, 2010. s. 180. ISBN 978-80-246-1779-4 SKOPOVÁ, M., ZÍTKO, M. Základní gymnastika. Praha : Karolinum, 2005 APPELT, K., LIBRA, M., STEJSKALOVÁ, I. Základy názvosloví tělesných cvičení. Praha : Palestra, 2004, 129s. ISBN 80 - 85 866 - 54 - 4BURSOVÁ, M. Kompenzační cvičení. Praha: Grada 2006KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Gymnastika pro kondiční a zdravotní účely. Praha: IVS 2000,ISBN 80 - 85 866 - 54 - 4KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Gymnastika I., II http://www.ftvs.cuni.cz/elstudovna/index.ph - opory pro bakalářské programy 2006, 2007


Credit and exam requirements:Mandatory attendance 14 lessons (28 hours)Study of the literature Practical - test exercisesPaper work - 4 warm ups (written form as well as the pictures of the exercises) one of the four must be performed practically Written test


Mgr. Jan Chrudimský, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jan Chrudimský, Ph.D.