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Předmět Rytmická gymnastika (PGYM106C)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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1. - 2. Introduction to the study. The meaning and use of rhythmic gymnastics in physical education and sport. Bentley test of musicality. Musical pulse. Counting beats. Metre, metric accent and its use in the movement. 3.- 4. Agogics, tectonics, and their use in musical-movement expression. Technique and didactics of exercise without apparatus, technique and didactics of exercise with rope - compulsory and credit routine.5. - 6. Rhythm. Rhythmic pulse. Rhythmic motives with application of eighth rhythm and dotted rhythm. Technique and didactics of exercise without apparatus - basic jumps and turns. Using of rhythmic apparatus (stics, tambourine). Technique and didactics of exercises with small balls and a gymnastics ball (the development of handling skills).7. - 8. Dynamic of movement and dynamic of music. Physical implementation of contrasting dynamic levels. Dynamic changes - sudden and gradual (Crescendo - Decrescendo). Dynamic arc. Technique and didactics of exercise without apparatus - balances. Technique and didactics of exercises with hoop and ribbon (the development of handling skills).9.- 10. Group performance as a musical-movement composition and expression. History of TV performances. Components of movement performance - music, motion and choreography. Principles and fundamentals for creating the performance.11.- 12. Creative activity in the creation of movement compositions. Using music and motion motive. The implementation process of movement performances. Gymnastics routines, movement compositions. 13. Creation of movement composition, creating own musical-movement composition and expression. Evaluating of compositions. Large group performances. World Gymnaestrada. 14. Own creative work and presentation of musical-movement compositions (without apparatus or with apparatus).


CHRUDIMSKÝ, J., ŠIMŮNKOVÁ, I., NOVOTNÁ, V. a kol. Gymnastická terminologie. Praha : UK FTVS, 2013. Multimediální učební text. CD. ISBN 978-80-87647-00-4.MIHULE, J., ŠŤASTNÁ, D. Rytmická gymnastika. Praha : Karolinum, 1993, 222 s. ISBN 382-198-92. NOVOTNÁ, V. PANSKÁ, Š., Šimůnková, I. Rytmická gymnastika a pohybová skladba. Praha : UK FTVS, 2011. ISBN 978-80-86317-83-0. multimediální učební text (část textu RG a PS je vystavena na www stránkách fakulty).NOVOTNÁ, V. Pohybová skladba. Praha : Karolinum, 1999. ISBN 80-7184-860-3. KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Gymnastika I. - opory pro bakalářské programy. http://www.ftvs.cuni.cz/elstudovna/index.php KOSTKOVÁ, J. a kol. Rytmická gymnastika. Praha : Olympia, 1990. ISBN 80-7033-030-9. PANSKÁ, Š., THOROVSKÝ, J. Základní technika cvičení s náčiním. Praha : ÚŠ ČOS, 1998. PANSKÁ, Š., THOROVSKÝ, J. Rozcvičky. Praha : ÚŠ ČOS, 1997.


Credit and exam requirements:Mandatory attendance - 14 lessons. Study of the literature.Practical - presentation of the musical-movement harmony performance with apparatus by choice.Theoretical - description of rope exercise with music.Creative work - processing and presentation of group performance or routine, active presentation during school exhibition of students creative work.Written test - knowledge of rhythmic gymnastics and group performences


PhDr. Iveta Holá, Ph.D.