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Předmět Veřejnozdravotní intervence v praxi 1, 2 (B02129)

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Povinná literatura a studijní materiály:Bluthenthal, R.N., Gogineni, A., Longshore, D. and Stein, M. 2001. Factors associated with readiness to change drug use among needle exchange users. Drug & Alcohol Dependence. 62: 225-230.Burrows, D. (2001). Rapid Assessment and Response to HIV/AIDS among Injecting Drug Users Training Course. Training Guidelines. The Centre for Harm Reduction: Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Dostupné v angličtine na: http://www.rararchives.org/training guidelines.doc.Doherty, M.C., Junge, B., Rathouz, P., Garfein, R.S., Riley, E. and Vlahov, D. 2000. The effect of needle exchange program on numbers of discarded needles: a 2-year follow-up. American Journal of Public Health. 90(6): 936-939.Drummond, M (2002): Return on Investment in Needle and Exchange Programs in Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and AgeingErickson, P. G. (1999). Introduction: The three phases of harm reduction. An examination of emerging concepts, methodologies, and critiques. Substance Use and Misuse, 34(1).Fitch, C. - Stimson, G. (2003). RAR-Review: an international review of rapid assessments conducted on drug use. A Report from the WHO Drug Injection Study Phase II. Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence World Health Organization. Dostupné v angličtine na: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2003/9241546131.pdfGalea, S., Ahern, J., Fuller, C., Freudenberg, N. and Vlahov, D. 2001. Needle exchange programs and experience of violence in an inner city neighbourhood. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 28(3): 282-288."Harm reduction" strategies for illicit substance use and abuse. In: Marlatt, G. A. (Ed.). Harm reduction.Pragmatic strategies for managing high-risk behavior. New York: Guilford Press. Junge, B., Valente, T., Latkin, C., Riley, E. and Vlahov, D. 2000. Syringe exchange not associated with social network formation: results from Baltimore. AIDS. 14(4): 423-426.Kuhn, C. - Swartzwelder, S. - Wilson, W. (1998). Buzzed. The straight facts about the most used and abused drugs from alcohol to ecstasy. NY: W. W. Norton.Marlatt, G. A. (Ed.) (1998). "Harm reduction" around the world. A brief history. Harm reduction. Pragmatic strategies for managing high-risk behavior. New York: Guilford Press.Oliver, K.J., Friedman, S.R., Maynard, H., Magnuson, L. and Des Jarlais, D.C. 1992. Impact of a needle exchange program on potentially infectious syringes in public places. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes & Human Retrovirology. 5: 534-535.Riley, D. - O’Hare, R. (2000). Harm reduction: History, definition and practice. In: Inciardi, J. A. -Harrison, L. D. (Ed.). Harm Reduction. National and International Perspectives.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Tapert, S. F. - Kilmer, J. R. - Quigley, L. A. - Larimer, M. E. - Roberts, L. J. - Miller, E. T. (1998).UNAIDS/WHO Working group on HIV/AIDS Surveillance (2003). Estimating the size of populations at risk for HIV. Issues and methods. Family Health International. Dostupné v angličtine na:http://www.fhi.org/en/HIVAIDS/Publications/manualsguidebooks/popsizecontent.htmWolk, J., Wodak, A., Guinan, J.J., Macaskill, P. and Simpson, J.M. 1990. The effect of a needle and syringe exchange on a methadone maintenance unit. British Journal of Addiction. 85: 1445-1450.Zábranský, T. a kol. (1997). Racionální protidrogová politika: Uživatelé drog do rukou policie nebo lekářů?Olomouc:Votobia.Internetové zdroje:http://www.ceehrn.org - internetová stránka Site projektů "harm reduction" ve střední a východní Evropěhttp://www.dancesafe.org - internetová stránka organizace poskytující služby především uživatelům tzv. klubových droghttp://www.drugusers.org - internetová stránka organizací užívatelů droghttp://www.drugtext.org/library/legal/eu/default.htm - European Union Information Centeron Drug Textshttp://www.emcdda.org - internetová stránka European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction http://www.ihra.org - internetová stránka International Harm Reduction Association


Barbara Janíková