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Předmět Veřejné zdravotnictví a medicínské právo - předstátnicová stáž (B81052)

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Obligatory literature:1. Fried, B., Gaydos, L.: World Health Systems. Challenges and Perspectives. AUPHA Chicago, Health Administration Press, 2012 2. Wilkinson, R. Marmout, M.: The Solid Facts. Second ed., WHO Europe: available on the WHO Europe website, www.-who.dk/document/e81384.pdf3. Health 21: The Health for All Policy framework for the WHO European Region. European Health for All series, No. 64. Oxford Dictionary of Public Health. Fourth edition, edited by Roger Detels, James McEwen, Robert Beaglehole and HeizoTanaka, Oxford University Press, 2005Additional literature:1.Health Care Systems in Transition. Czech Republic 2005. www.who.euro.who.int/Document/E86823.pdf2. Saltman, B., Figureas J.: European Health Care Reforms: Analysis of Current Strategies, WHO, Copenhagen 19973. Katz, J. Peberdy, A.: Promoting Health? Knowledge and Practice. London, Open University 1997, ISBN 1213-8096


Subject is completed by the credit and the State Final Examination. Two absence per course is acceptable.Examination questions:  Part A1. Public health, definition, concept, objectives, the main characteristics, public health achievements2. WHO , its role  in  global  public  and international health;  Health 2020 policy framework and strategy3. Concept of health and health determinants (give examples of the relevant epidemiological studies) socioeconomic gradients in health4. Measurement of population health, data sources , commonly used demographic and other indicators, give examples of international health databases 5. Mortality, data sources , basic indicators, leading causes of global mortality, international comparison6. Morbidity, data sources, basic indicators, the most common causes , leading causes of global morbidity, internationa comparison7. Social structure and health, health inequalities ( incl inequalities in acces to health services), tackling inequalities in health, give examples of inequalities in Europe and worlwide8. Vulnerable social groups affected by the social exclusion and poverty; specific health risks and access to health services9. Social pediatrics: risk factors in child development, foster and institutional care for children10.Social pediatrics: Syndrome CAN11. Demographic aging and longevity and its influence on health services12. Chronic morbidity, disability and its social consequences in older people13. Social health care and community care. Healthy aging policy.14. Health  promotion and disease prevention in WHO programmes: theoretical background, the Ottawa Charter15. Migration, ethnicity and healthPart B16. Health policy in EU, principles, objectives,   key  strategic documents17. Current trends in the world health systems18. Models of health systems in the world, international comparison19. Strengths and weaknesses of the world health systems - provide details of preferred model20. Health  care reform in USA, objectives, lessons to be learnt21. Assessment and comparison  of the health systems in the European Union: European Health Consumer Index. Ranking of the CR   22. Health expenditures,  public /private ratio   in developed countries, current trends, the  factors influencing  health  expenditures 23. Models of health care financing. Reimbursement methods of health care services24. Czech health care system, the main principles, public health insurance25. State administration and organizational structure of the Czech health care system26. Health status of the Czech population, development and leading causes of deaths27. Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine28. The main areas of the EU legal health regulation, cross - border health care.29. Informed consent, medical confidentiality30. Identify the leading causes of medical malpractice litigation, explain the requisite elements of proof required to be able to prevail in a  lawsuit for medical malpractice (medical negligence) 


MUDr. Mgr. Jolana Těšinová