Předmět Anesteziologie a akutní medicína (B81166)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
Materiál | Typ | Datum | Počet stažení |
Další informace
Basic Topics for Emergency Medicine Exam:Part A – Resuscitation1. Basic CPR2. Advanced CPR3. Equipment for CPR4. Post resuscitation care5. CPR in children6. Pharmacotherapy in CPR7. Airway management in CPR8. Electrotherapy in CPR9. Principles of beginning and terminating of CPR10. Mass disasters, medicine of catastrophesPart B – Anaesthesia1. General anaesthesia2. Head and neck regional and local anaesthesia3. Airway management in routine anaesthesia – endotracheal intubation, laryngeal mask4. Difficult airway management5. Patient monitoring during anaesthesia6. IV and other invasive accesses; complications7. Risks and complications of anaesthesia8. Premedication, sedation and analgosedation in stomatology9. Acute and chronic pain management in stomatology and stomatosurgery10. Blood loss; it’s replacement11. Regurgitation, aspiration, crush induction in anaesthesia12. Diabetes mellitus – perioperative care13. Ambulatory and one-day surgery – anaesthesia and perioperative care14. Preparation of a polymorbid patient for a stomatological/stomatosurgical procedurePart C – Emergency medicine1. Shock – patophysiology and therapy2. Artificial ventilation3. Care of a patient with craniocerebral injury4. Allergy, anaphylaxis5. Coniopunction, coniotomy – urgent airway management in suffocation6. Tracheostomy7. Foreign body aspiration8. Laryngospasm, bronchospasm9. Diff.diagnosis of unconsciousness10. Convulsions11. Acute myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock12. Hypertensive crisis13. Nosocomial infections in stomatology/stomatosurgery14. Diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias15. Differential diagnosis of a collapseEach student chooses 1 question from the each part
#Ševčík P, Černý V, Vítovec J et al.: Intenzívní medicína. Galén a Karolinum, Praha 2000, 393 s. ISBN 80-7262-042-8 (Galén), ISBN 80-246-0107-9 (Karolinum).#Hall JB, Schmidt GA, Wood LH. Principles of critical care. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill 1998. p.1767. ISBN 0-07-115308-X, # Jarmila Drábková, Akutní stavy v první linii, Grada, 1997.# Jaroslav Počta, Konpendium neodkladné péče, Grada,1996.
doc. MUDr. Martin Stříteský, CSc.