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Předmět ERASMUS - Czech for Foreigners - Beginners I (CERA0P0041)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


1. Meeting people:Vocabulary: Co/Kdo je to? (People, things), Tady/tam; Kde?Odkud?; NationalitiesGrammar: Personal pronouns and the present conjugation of to beCommunication: Meeting people; Formal/informal language; How are you?Addressing people; use of academic titlesOther information: Czech Language and its study2. ThingsVocabulary: Plural words, Adverbs of position, Numbers 0 - 10Grammar: Negation of to be, Conjugation of verbs: 1st group, AccusativeCommunication: Asking for information;Other information: Charles University, The Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Foreign Languages3. PlacesVocabulary: Prepositions of location v/na , Places, Apartment, Numbers 11 - 19, jobsGrammar: Locative, Conjugation of verbs: 2nd group; Plural of nouns (-y)Communication: In a restaurant, On a visit, Telephone conversation, Prosím, Problems with yes and no, Problems in communicationOther information: Prague, Czech Republic4. Daily routineVocabulary: Liking: rád/ráda/rádi + verbs, The time of day, Neither...nor..., Conjuctions,           Numbers 20 - 100Grammar: Conjugation of verbs: 3rd group, Chtít, Reflexive verbs, Prefixes ně-and ni-Communication: Hellos and Goodbye´s, Negative questions, Apologies, Jak se (to) řekne českyOther information: public transport5. Food and drinkVocabulary: food and drink, Liking: Mít rád,  Numbers from 100, Kolik stojí...Grammar: Conjugation of verbs: 4th group, Review: The accusativeCommunication: I would like, In a shop, In a restaurantFinal Test: ColloquiumOther information:  Czech history and  Prague historical sites


TEACHING MATERIALS:Štindl, O.: Easy Czech Elementary. Praha, Akronym 2008Holá, L.: New Czech Step by Step. Praha, Akropolis 2004www.lf3.cuni.cz/cestina


Doc. PhDr. Jana Přívratská, CSc.