Předmět Anatomická pitevní cvičení (DA0102072)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
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Syllabus of lectures and practicals: ANATOMYWinter semesterAnatomical terminology.General anatomy of bones and joints.Bones, joints, muscles and osteofascial spaces of the upper and lower limbs.Skull and vertebral column, joints of vertebral column.Muscles of the head, neck and trunk. Inguinal canal, hernias.Main vessels and nerves of the upper and lower limbs.Main vessels of the thoracic and abdominal cavities.Digestive system.Respiratory system, mediastinum.Situs viscerum, peritoneal cavity.Summer semesterUrinary system.Male and female genital system.Retroperitoneum, topography of the pelvis.Heart. Survey of the vessels.Lymphatic system.General anatomy of the nervous system.Peripheral nervous system - spinal nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic nerves.Central nervous system - structure and connections, vascular supply, topography.Eye, visual pathway.Ear, acoustic and vestibular pathways.Skin.
Snell, R.S.: Clinical Anatomy by Systems: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2007 Snell, R.S.: Clinical Neuroanatomy: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006 Platzer, W., Kahle, W., Leonhardt, H., Frotscher, M.: Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy, Vol. I. - III.: ThiemeVol. I. 5th ed. 2004, B - Vol. II. 4th ed. 1993, C - Vol. III. 5th ed. 2003+ Putz, R., Pabst, R.: Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy: Elsevier Urban and Fischer, 2006+ Netter, F.H.: Atlas of Human Anatomy: Saunders, 2006+ Drake, R. et al.: Gray's Anatomy for Students: Churchill Livingstone, 2004+ Moore, K.L.: Clinically Oriented Anatomy: Lippincott Wiliams and Wilkins, 2006+ Snell, R.S.: Clinical Anatomy: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004+ Standring, S.: Gray's Anatomy: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005+ Brodal, P.: Anatomy of the Human Central Nervous System: Oxford University Press, 1998 compulsory+ recommended
doc. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D.