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Předmět Epidemiologie (DA0108089)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu DA0108089 - Epidemiologie, 3. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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Další informace


EpidemiologyLectures: Basic epidemiology - methodology of epidemiological research: Epidemiology as a basic medical science and backbone of public health. Measures of disease frequency. Measurement of association and evaluation of causality. Concepts of epidemiologic studies (case-control study, cohort study, cross-sectional study, clinical trial), their designs, advantages and limitations. Evaluation of epidemiologic studies. Principal sources of uncertainties in observational research: bias, confounding, and chance, their impact on the validity of outcomes, and the strategies of their control. Epidemiology of infectious diseases: Basic principles of infectious diseases epidemiology (process of spreading of communicable diseases, sources of infection, modes of transmission, methods of controlling for infectious diseases), terminology. Vaccination. Types of vaccines, vaccination strategies, effects and perspectives of vaccination, adverse reactions, contraindications and failures of vaccination. Immunization schedule, regular, special vaccination. Passive immunization. Occurrence of infectious diseases in Europe, the Czech Republic, and selected countries. Surveillance of infectious diseases. Programs of WHO in epidemiology.Practical training:Many of epidemiologic phenomena addressed in this course are demonstrated on the real case studies and an active participation of students in teaching process is expected. The last day of the course is mostly devoted to an investigation of the outbreak of an infectious disease. All exercises are based on actual studies, available in international resources.Approximately 75 % of knowledge required on the examination is covered in the course. So, students are expected to use and study an additional material provided at the beginning of the course.


Lilienfeld, D. E.: Foundations of epidemiology : Oxford university press, 1994 (B)Šmerhovský, Z.: Practicing epidemiology (B)+ Šejda J.: Výkladový slovník epidemiologické terminologie (B)


doc. MUDr. Dana Göpfertová, CSc.