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Předmět Biologie II (FD10010)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FD10010 - Biologie II, Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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LecturesTranscription and translation. The endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus. The mitochondrion, structure and functions, production of ATP, chemiosmnotic theory. (Cervinka 3)The cytoskeleton (microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments), cell motility, movement of organelles, cellular motors. Cell reproduction, mitosis, cell cycle. Cell death - necrosis, apoptosis. Mutations, DNA repair. (Cervinka 3)Chromosomal basis of heredity, karyotype. Structural and numerical aberration of autosomes. Sexual reproduction, meiosis, X-linked genes, inactivation of X chromosome, numerical aberration of gonosomes. (Cervinka 3)Genetics of multicellular organisms - Mendel´s law, Morgan´s law. Population genetics. Human genetics. (Cervinka 3)Genetic manipulations - basic methods and principles, recombination of DNA, PCR, cDNA, DNA sequencing, genomics, proteomics. Use of DNA technology in diagnostics, production of recombinant molecules. DNA based therapy. (Cervinka 3)  Practical courses LecturersProf. Dr. Miroslav Cervinka, M.D., Ph.D.Prof. Dr. Emil Rudolf, Ph.D.Dr. Vera Kralova, Ph.D. Practical coursesCytogenetic tests and their use in clinical genetics - clinical indications for karyotype analysis, chromosome identification and classification (banding, SCE, FISH and other techniques); Sex chromatin - classification and localization, sex chromatin in buccal cells and leukocyte smearMendelian genetics-pedigree - pedigree analysis, symbols and rules applied, autosomal and gonosomal inheritance - basic examples, selected clinical cases - workshopI. group Karyotyping - preparation of karyotypes. II. group - Eukaryotic chromosomes and meiosis - Meiosis in cells of locustII. group - Karyotyping - preparation of karyotypes. I. group - Eukaryotic chromosomes and meiosis - meiosis in cells of locust.Biological human identification systems - genetics of ABO, MNSs and Rh blood groups, HLA system and DNA profiling. Selected clinical cases - workshop II.Tumor biology I. - tumor classification (benign and malignant), basic histopathology of the selected tumors - demonstration.Tumor biology II. - cell malignant transformation - mutagenesis and carcinogenesis; protooncogenes, oncogenes and TSGs.I. group - DNA manipulation (isolation of DNA) - Isolation of DNA from cells cultivated in vitro; II. group - Electrophoresis - electrophoresis of DNA, basic applications of molecular biology techniques (blotting, DNA hybridization)II. group - DNA manipulation (isolation of DNA) - Isolation of DNA from cells cultivated in vitro; I. group - Electrophoresis - electrophoresis of DNA, basic applications of molecular biology techniques (blotting, DNA hybridization)Credit. Final test.


Compulsory literatureB. Alberts et al. Essential Cell Biology. An introduction to the molecular biology of the cell. Garland Publishing, Inc. New York & London, 2013Nussbaum, McInnes, Willard Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine. 6th ed. revised reprint, Saunders, 2004. ISBN 0-7216-0244-4Manual, worbook and other materials provided by the Dept. of Medical Biology and GeneticsMOODLE  


Credit Requirements for credit·  Final test must be passed. Passinggradeis75%.·  The credit in this term consists of:           °          Final test with minimal scoring grade of 75 %           °          Completed workbook including drawings (in case of any manual damage or loss, the student has to acquire a new one from the department against financial compensation).  Creditappointments (credit record) arelimitedto thesummerexaminationperiod,i.e.from June 1th 2015 to June 30th 2015, each week on Thursdays from 2 to 3pm only.Each student has three attempts. Failed credit test may be repeated two times (all written) at agreed dates. Generally, in case of failure in credit, the next possible chance is after one week!!!! The credit record has to be obtained 24h before the final exam date at the latest!Final note - not fulfilling any of the above mentioned requirements (i.e. scoring grade in the final test below 75% including makeup tests, incomplete manual, not received karyotype) will result in failure and credit will not be given!!!  Cheating during any form of biology exam (credit test and oral examination) including preparatory period is not tolerated! Use of any electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, notebooks, phablets etc.), unauthorized materials or communication with other students in these instances is strictly prohibited! After selecting final exam questions it is not allowed to leave the room and when necessary an escort will be provided. In case of failure to comply with these rules, student will be classified "failed". 


prof. MUDr. RNDr. Miroslav Červinka, CSc.