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Předmět Český jazyk IV (FD10026)

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Interní materiály Ústavu jazyků dostupné na: http://moodle.lfhk.cuni.cz/moodle2/course/view.php?id=340


Credit:Credit will be given to the students who:1) have fulfilled the conditions of attendance (it is permitted to miss only 20 % of classes),2) have collected a sufficient number of points for their language performance  Students can get the points for two written tests (one in the middle and one at the end of the term) each counts 100pts (pass-mark 65). They  can also get some extra points (or make up for low score in the written tests) for their performance in continuous oral examination and written minitests. Minimum score for each student is 130pts at the end of term. If the student does not have the score he/she has to sit for another  final written credit test and has to achieve at least the pass mark (65pts). Students can make up for the missing points also by doing a Project (to be specified by the teacher). Examination: The pre-requisite of the oral exam is the credit (see above). The oral exam covers 100% knowledge of medical terminology of 1st and 2nd study year in a simulated doctor-patient conversation, i.e. the student is expected to know all the words and phrases and be able to use them promptly according to the "patients" problems. An integral part of the evaluation is a correct Czech pronunciation and understanding spoken Czech. The whole exam is held in Czech.


PhDr. Jan Comorek, Ph.D.