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Předmět Otorinolaryngologie (FD10058)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FD10058 - Otorinolaryngologie, Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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Lecturers:Prof. Viktor Chrobok, M.D., Ph.D.Petr Čelakovský, M.D., Ph.D.Jakub Dršata, M.D., Ph.D.Theme of lectures:Oncology I. (Čelakovský, 3 hours)Oncology II, OSAS. (Čelakovský, 3 hours)Pharyngology. (Chrobok, 3 hours)Laryngology. (Chrobok, 3 hours)Rhinology. (Chrobok, 3 hours)Otology. (Chrobok, 3 hours)Traumatology, ENT emergency. (Chrobok, 3 hours)Phoniatry. (Dršata, 3 hours)  Practical courses & seminars:Lecturers:Petr Čelakovský, M.D., Ph.D.Lukáš Školoudík, M.D., Ph.D.Jakub Dršata, M.D., Ph.D.Michal Černý, M.D., Ph.D.Jana Krtičková, M.D.Jan Mejzlík, M.D., Ph.D.Peter Sila, M.D.Practical courses:Visit of the department, diagnostic methods in E.N.T. Anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and symptomatology.Methods of investigation in E.N.T.-demonstration and praxis. Investigation of hearing. Audiometry, tympanometry, OAE etc.Investigation of patients, demonstration of the typical E.N.T. diseases Videodemonstration: middle ear microsurgery.Investigation of patients, participation in operating theatre or outpatient dept. radiography, CT, MRI, sonography.Investigation of patients, participation in operating theatre or outpatient dept. Videolaryngoscopy, stroboscopy- demonstration. Endoscopy in E.N.T.Investigation of patients, participation in operating theatre or outpatient dept. Dyspnoe, diff.diagnostics, treatment. Tracheostomy.Final practical class and practical examination.Seminars:Radiology (Čelakovský)Audiology (Dršata)Neurootology (Sila)Smell, taste (Krtičková) Dyspnoe (Mejzlík) Ear surgery (Školoudík)  Epistaxis (Černý) Notes:                                                               PRACTICAL CLASSES AND SEMINARS The aim of practical classes is demonstrate basic investigation methods, typical diseases and patients and the basic essentials of E.N.T. Seminars inform about current problems in speciality or some it's fundamentas with videodemonstrations and other documentation. Practical classes are obligatory. 


Compulsory literatureW. Becker:  Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. Thieme Verl., Stuttgart, 1994. ISBN 3-13-671202-1Recommend literatureF.E.Lucente, G. Har-El:  Essentials of Otolaryngology


Credit: OBTAINING A CREDIT: Students are required to attend all practical classes. Absence due to serious reason is tolerated at one practical class only. Credit is given after examination of a patient and oral examination at the last practical classes.Examination:Final oral examination in otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery can be realised after obtaining a credit. The student answers 3 questions.                                                                            


Mgr. Viktor Chrobok