Předmět Anatomie II (FG10003)
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Materiály tohoto předmětu
Materiál | Typ | Datum | Počet stažení |
Další informace
General medicine, 1st year, summer term. LecturesLecturersAssoc. Prof. Dasa Slizova, M.D., Ph.D. Otakar Krs, M.D., Ph.D. Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D. Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D. Martin Kracik, M.D. Michal Kuchar, MS Prof. Jan Zizka, M.D., Ph.D. No. Theme Lecturers Duration1 Urinary system. Kuchar 2 2 Topographic dissection. Organization of dissections. Dissection program. Slizova 1 3 Male genital system. Hajek 2 4 Female genital system. Krs 2 5 Endocrine glands. Krs 1 6 Nervous system: introduction, organization and general principles of CNS and PNS, main features of structure and function. Slizova 2 7 Spinal cord. Motor and sensory spinal pathways. Slizova 4 8 Brain stem, nuclei of the cranial nerves, reticular formation, IV.ventricle. Slizova 4 9 Midbrain. Slizova 2 10 Cerebellum . Slizova 2 11 Diencephalon. Slizova 1 12 Thalamus, hypothalamus. Slizova 2 13 Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system, hypophysis. Slizova 1 14 Telencephalon - basal ganglia. Slizova 2 15 Telencephalon - cortical areas. Slizova 2 16 Limbic system, olfactory brain. Slizova 2 17 Blood supply of the brain. Slizova 2 18 Cerebrospinal fluid system, ventricles, meninges. Slizova 2 19 Nervous pathways, their classification and survey. Slizova 1 20 Functional systems - sensory pathways. Slizova 2 21 Functional systems - motor pathways. Slizova 2 22 Cranial nerves. Slizova 4 23 Vegetative nervous system. Slizova 2 24 Visual apparatus. Hajek 225 Auditory apparatus. Rejtarova 1 26 Vestibular system. Rejtarova 1 27 Clinical lecture: "Applied anatomy of the auditory apparatus". Kracik 128 MRI anatomy of CNS and cranial nerves. Zizka 2 Practical courses & seminarsLecturers Assoc. Prof. Dasa Slizova, M.D., Ph.D. Otakar Krs, M.D., Ph.D. Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D. Rene Endlicher, MS, Ph.D. Martin Kracik, M.D. Michal Kuchar, MS Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D. Hana Vodova, M.D.
Literature Platzer W. Color atlas of human anatomy. Vol. 1. Locomotor system. Thieme Stuttgart, 6th ed., 2009Fritsch H., Kuehnel W. Color atlas of human anatomy. Vol. 2. Internal organs. Thieme Stuttgart, 6th ed., 2009Kahle W.,Frotscher M. Color atlas of human anatomy. Vol. 3. Nervous system and sensory organs. Thieme Stuttgart, 6th ed., 2009Agur A.M.R. , Ming J.L. Grant´s atlas of anatomy. Williams and Wilkins, 9th ed., 1991
Conditions and notes Credit: Credit will by given to the student who fulfilled his/her attendance and has passed required examinations in individual systems. Attendance: the students are required to attend all practical classes, absence due to illness has to be documented by a doctor's certificate. The number of legitimate absences may not exceed 15% of all practical classes, i.e. 4 practical classes per term. The acceptability of more than 15% practical class absences per term will be decided by the chair of the anatomy department. Examination: Final examination is oral and can be taken after obtaining both required credits. Notes: Detailed information about the organization of the course can be found in the home page of the Department of Anatomy.
doc. MUDr. Dáša Slížová, CSc.