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Předmět Základy praktického lékařství (FG10019)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FG10019 - Základy praktického lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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LecturersMichaela Votroubkova, M.Sc.1Holistic approaches to health care. Human beings from a holistic viewpoint. The bio-psycho-social field. Care - cure model. The multidisciplinary health team. Atributes of a person-centered carrer. Customer focus. Patient´s bill of rights. Same problems associatied with current structure of health care. Patient needs in the theory (Maslow´s hierarchy of needs). Patient needs in the hospital. (Votroubkova 2)Introduction to patient care. Nursing care. Nursing process, diagnosis, interventions. The eight stages of man (infancy, early childhood, preschool age, middle childhood adolescence, early adulthood the middle years, the later years). Selected variables of the person. The prevention and control of infection. Desinfection, asepsis, antisepsis, handwashing, masking, gowning, barrier technigue. Principles relevant to patient safety. Types of injures caused by environmental hazards. Wound care. (Votroubkova 3)Practical courses & seminarsLecturersMichaela Votroubkova, M.Sc.SeminarsMeasuring body temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. Caring for patient with wounds.Uretheral catetrization, enema.Administering medications (oral, topical). Administering medication by injection (subcutaneous, intramuscular or intradermal, intravenous).Assisting and administering with intravenous infusion. Blood transfusion.Assisting patients with hygiene. Preventing decubitus ulcer. Assiting with oral hygiene. Diets and assisting with nutritional needs. Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance and so on.


Recommend literatureSorensen and Luckmann Basic Nursing. A Psychophysiologic Approach. 3rd ed.,W.B.Saunders,1994 ISBN 0-721640133


Credit:100% attendance at seminars and Practical classes.Examination:Test


Mgr. Eva Vachková, Ph.D.