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Předmět Hygiena a preventivní lékařství (FG10067)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FG10067 - Hygiena a preventivní lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


LecturesLecturersProf. Zdenek Fiala, M.Sc., Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. Jindra Smejkalova, M.D., Ph.D.Lenka Kotingova, M.D.Nutrition - indirect risks. Physical, biologicat and chemical risks in nutrition. (Kotingova 2)Environmental medicine - hazardous factors, exposures, diseases, monitoring, susceptibility, case studies. Outdoor air pollution - situation, hazards, monitoring.(Fiala 3)Hygiene of indoor environment - temperature, humidity, illumination, contamination, ionization. (Fiala 3)Nosocomial infections. (Smejkalova 3)Intervention of "risky habits" in life style. Anti-smoking activities. (Smejkalova 2)Addictions - alcohol, selected drugs. (Fiala 2)Hygiene of drinking water - sources, hazards and benefits, recommendation. Hazardous wastes - sources, hazards, management. (Fiala 2)Occupational preventive medicine. Categories of risky work places. Ways of prevention - collective and individual. Medical prevention - periodical preventive check-ups. (Kotingova 2)Mental hygiene and its importance in the occupational psychology application. Psychological hazards and stress. Evaluation of neuropsychical load. Work and resting. Fatigue and overwork. Night duties and their health effects. (Smejkalova 2)Environmentally induced carcinogenesis - hazardous factors, evaluation, classification, prevention. (Fiala 2) Practical coursers and seminarsTeachersProf. Zdenek Fiala, M.Sc., Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. Jindra Smejkalova, M.D., Ph.D.Lenka Kotingova, M.D.PRACTICAL COURSE - A)Health risk assessment procedure - structure, application, case studies. B) State examination work - structure, recommendation, examples.PRACTICAL COURSE - Adverse effect of chemicals - basic mechanisms, classification, interactions. Most frequent occupational hazards II. Chemicals - hazards, monitoring, prevention, case studies.PRACTICAL COURSE - Physical activity and health. Wellness. Fittnes. Basic characteristics, recommendation.PRACTICAL COURSE - A) Prevention of tumorous diseases. Primary and early secondary prevention of colorectal carcinoma, brest carcinoma, cervix uteri carcinoma, lung carcinoma, prostate carcinoma and skin carcinoma. B) Preventive programe proposals - instruction for elaboration of credit work.PRACTICAL COURSE - Analysis of nutritional state and life style of medical students. Example of simple preventive screening of cardovascular diseases risk factors.PRACTICAL COURSE - Hospital hazards. Professional illnesses of health-care workers. Case reports.SEMINAR - Most frequent occupational health hazards I. Physical hazards - e.g. noise, vibrations, dusts, long-term enormous unilateral burden. Absolute and relative contraindications for work in risk. Possibilities of prevention. Case reports.PRACTICAL COURSE - Nutrition - direct risks. Direct effect of nutrition of unsuitable composition, energy and biological value of nutrition.PRACTICAL COURSE - Radiation. Ionizing radiation. Non ionising radiation.PRACTICAL COURSE - Hygiene of children. Child development, nutrition, main risks in children, education.PRACTICAL COURSE - A) Public defence of student's preventive programs grant proposals. B) Organisation of the Hygiene and Preventive Medicine practice - regular part of the State Examination! C) Credit obtaining. 


Compulsory literatureJ. La Dou: Occupational and Environmental Medicine. A LANGE medical book. 2nd ed., Appleton and Lange, Prentice-Hall International, 1997. ISBN 0-8385-7217-0Recommend literatureA. B. Tarcher: Principles and Practice of Environmental Medicine. Plenum Medical Book Company, New York, 1992 


CreditStudents obtain their credits on the basis of active participation in practical classes. Class topics and their schedules are given on the department notice board and on the web page of dept. so that students are informed ahead of time about the problems to be discussed.Partitipation on Health Support Project proposals (preparation and presentation on the last practical course).Active participation means the full involvement by the student in discussions led by the teacher, the solving of case studies and potential testing of the student. Bad performace by the student will be marked in the attendance record. In more serious cases, the student may be expelled from a practical class.A total of fifteen percent of excused absences (i. g. two practical classes) is allowed. In case of greater non - attendance the student may be allowed to make up for missed practicals by attending another student group. This may be arranged by the student himself after obtaining consent from the teacher, taking into account the class schedule and all other study duties. The working of the department does not make it possible to organize substitute classes out the original schedule.A student who has 3 to 4 excused absences will be examined on the whole material, not only on the material that has been missed. The student may be examined after obtaining agreement from a teacher any time during the examination period.Non - attdendance greater than forty percent (four or more practicals) will be solved by the head of the department (after consultation with teachers). In most cases there will be a request to repeat the whole year of study or to embark on an individual study plan. 


prof. Ing. Zdeněk Fiala, CSc.