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Předmět Úvod do kognitivně behaviorální terapie (FG50022)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FG50022 - Úvod do kognitivně behaviorální terapie, Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


LecturersDr. Mariana Štefančíková, Ph.D.Behavioral medicine and behavioral therapy; History and development of behavioral approach (Pavlov, Skinner); Learning theories (classical and operational conditioning, negative and positive conditioning - rewards/punishments, social learning, over-satiation, shaping, chaining); Observation methods, Coping strategies (Štefančíková 3)Cognitive psychology and cognitive psychotherapy (Aaron Beck); Cognitive processes: cognitive events (volitional and self-activating thoughts), cognitive operations (thoughts in contextual connection), cognitive schemes (an out-world appraisal and a self-evaluation - conscious and unconscious), automatic negative thoughts; Definition of problem and definition of aim in CBT; Cognitive-behavioral assessment (CBT model of a problem): triggers, 4 modalities (emotions, physiology, cognitions, behavior), long-term and short-term consequents, modifying factors (Štefančíková 3)Practical courses & seminarsLecturersDr. Mariana Štefančíkova, Ph.D.SeminarsBehavioral experiment - practice to improve stress immunity by breathing; Behavioral approach in different branches of medicine (hospitalization), CBT of pain and suffering; CBT models of specific problems (generalized anxiety, particular phobias, depressive disorder, food intake disorders, sleeping disorders, personality disorders); Psychosomatic medicine and CBT, somatic reactions and malfunctions; Physiological and emotional modality; Behavioral experiment - practice to improve stress immunity by controlled breathing and relaxation;Cognitive approach (reflective thinking and cognitive feed back) in getting a situation; Cognitive therapy techniques: imaginations, "stop" technique, attention diversion, functional and empirical infirming, cognitive restructuring, self-training, humor; Rational-emotional therapy (Albert Ellis), irrational convictions, interpretations.


Credit: Conditions to obtain the Credit: Be present at 70% Write a short reflection 


PhDr. Mariana Štefančíková, Ph.D.