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Předmět Vybrané kapitoly z nefrologie (FG50027)

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Lecturers Prof. Miroslav Merta, M.D., Ph.D.Michaela Kubišová, M.D.Roman Šafránek, M.D., Ph.D.Practical courses1. Introduction to nephrology. Approach to patient with kidney disease. Kidney disease vs kidney function. Principles and terminology of renal replacement therapies. Case report - a man with unexpected elevation of S-creatinine2. Classication of chronic kidney disease. Laboratory, metabolic and clinical cosequences of decreased kindey function. case report - a patient starting RRT3. Anemia in chronic renal disease. Primary and secondary responsible factors. Current therapeutic principles. Case report - a patient of mainentance haemodialysis with low hemoglobin4. Kidney transpantation as one of methods of renal replacement therapy. Waiting list. Examination of the patients before kidney transplantation; post-transplantation care. Case report - a patient successfully waiting for kidney transplant5. Kidney transplantation - second part. Long-term posttransplant course. Principles of immunosupression in transplantology. ¨ Case report - a patient with kidney graft failure.6. Chronic and acute intersticial nephritis. Causes, sourse of the disease. Renal disease and calcium metabolism. Case report - a patient with advanced chronic kidney disease7. Kidney biopsy - when and how. Indications, contraindications; the description of the procedure; follow up of the patient. Case report - a patient with known renal disease with sudden decrease of kidney function8. Hematuria. Approach to the patient with hematuria. Basic and additional examination. Hereditary nephropaties. Case report - a man with asymptomatic hematuria and known renal disease in his family.9. Pregnancy and kidney diseases. Physiological changes of kidney function in pregnancy. Selected renal complications in pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Case report - a successful pregnancy in a woman with kidney disease10. Potassium and kidney Case report - a patient with anuria and hyperkalemia.11. Infection of kidney and urinary tract. Diagnostic principles, therapy. Case report - a young lady with recurrent urinary tract infection peated12. Acute renal failure - dif. dg chronic renal failure. Principles of long-term out-patient follow up in nephrology. Pre-dialysis care. Starting RRT. Case report - unexpected laboratory findings in nephrology13. Case reports presented by students - guided duscussion (part I)14. Case reports presented by students - guided discussion (part II)15. Guestions and answers, summary of the course. Credit 


Povinná literaturaTeplan a kol.: Praktická nefrologie (Grada 2006) Bednářová V., Dusilová-Sulková S: Peritoneální dialýza (Maxdorf 2007)Recommended literatureJameson J.L., Losculzo J. Harrison´s Nephrology and Acid-Base Disorders, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010  


Credit: Conditions for credit: Active attendance of the lectures (The maximum amount of the legitimate absences is 20%) Students prepare themselves for lectures.


prof. MUDr. Sylvie Dusilová Sulková, DrSc.