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Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu EA0103031 - MOLECULES OF LIFE & MUTATIONS, Lékařská fakulta Plzeň, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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Molecular Modelling _ An introductory Course + HomeworkSiegfried Schwarz, M.D., ProfessorDivision of Experimental Pathophysiology & Immunology, Biocenter, Innsbruck Medical University, CCB, Innrain 80-82, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria, siegfried.schwarz@i-med.ac.atThis lecture intends to give introductory information to a practical course in which attendees are instructedhow to use a particular molecular modelling software (RasMol) in order to display 3D structures (asdeposited in the PDB) of proteins, alone or in interaction with small or large ligands such as drugs or DNA orother proteins. This course is based on a published textbook of the author: MOLECULES OF LIFE &MUTATIONS (Karger, Basel 2002), in which structures of 150 „most important“ molecules are displayed.This lectures is followed by a hands-on course in a PC room where attendees will receive a detailed step-bystepdescription for performinig this part as well as as „homework“. A further hometask will be to elaboratea certain, individually assigned molecule and disease and to prepare a short lecture and an outline in WORDand POWER POINT, respectively.One of the powers of molecular modelling resides in its informative value in displaying molecules, in total orportions thereof, in different formats such as wireframe, protein backbone, atoms, overall surface etc. It ispossible to turn the molecule in all directions and to see in real time the various aspects of it. Thereby,various structural characteristics can be recognized, domains of certain structure or charge or hydrophobicityor shape or other properties, which can serve e.g. as ligand-binding domain, as DNA-binding domain or asdrug-metabolizing domain or as a domain for any other biological purpose. Most importantly, points ofmutation, as documented in the OMIM and other data bases, can be „mapped“ into such a model in order tounderstand which function of the protein would thus be altered and whether this change in structure would berecessive or dominant. Attendees will learn this using Arginine Vasopressine precursor mutations as aninformative excample.


Doc. Ing. Jiří Hatina, CSc


Doc. Ing. Jiří Hatina, CSc