Předmět Anesteziologie, resuscitace a neodkladná péče (EA0110432)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
Materiál | Typ | Datum | Počet stažení |
Další informace
History of anaesthesiology, basics of anaesthesiology, pharmacology of inhalation, intravenous anaesthetics and other drugs used in anaesthesiology, pharmacology of local anaesthetic agents.Technical assumptions of safe anaesthesia. Patient´s safety of safe anaesthesia in all stages. Types of anaesthesia, perioperative and postoperative complications and their diagnosis and management. Airway management problems in anaesthesiology, possibilities.Regional anaesthesia indication, complications, diagnosis and therapy.Shock - definition, pathophysiology, classification, kinds of shock, shock therapy principles. Anaphylactic reaction.Severe bleeding management, volume therapy, fluids, blood, coagulopathies and their therapy.Treatment of acute, chronic and postoperative pain.Respiratory failure, differential diagnosis and therapy.Emergency situations, basics of intensive care and artificial ventilation.Perioperative infusion therapy. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - Guidelines 2010 !!!, definition, basic life support, advanced life support, indications, responsibility, conditions for CPR, approach in adults and in children, differences. Airway management, equipment for CPR. Basic drugs for CPR, doses for adults and for children. Ventricullar fibrilation, diagnosis and therapy, electric defibrilators and their use, shockable and not shockable rhythms - therapeutic algoritm. Foreign body airways obstruction - therapeutic algoritm in adults and in children. Studying materials: Lectures Practicals Lee´s synopsis of anaethesiawww.erc.edu Papers prepared by the department (copy)Conditions for credit:100% presence in practicalsLectures: 15 Practicals: 30 hoursThe tuition is finished by examination and written test Enclosure: Questions for examination
- J. Málek- Praktická anesteziologie - Grada 2011- Nové vydání učebnice: Ševčík a kol. - Intenzivní medicína, Galén 2014- Klementa B. et al: Resuscitace, 2 rozšířené vydání, EPAVA Olomouc 2014- Barash - Klinická anesteziologie - překlad 6.vydání, Grada 2015- Nalos D.:Periferní nervové blokády, Grada 2010- Tyll, Dostálová, Netuka - Neuroanestezie a základy neurointenzívní péče - Mladá Fronta, edice Aeskulap- Černý, Novák, Cvachovac - Sepse v intenzívní péči - Maxdorf, Jessenius- Černý, Matějovič, Dostál - Vybrané doporučené postupy v intenzívní medicíně - Maxdorf JeseniusPro léčbu bolesti:- Hakl a kol. Léčba bolesti nakladatelství MF - medical services, 2011- Málek, Ševčík a kol. Léčba pooperační bolesti, MF 2. doplněné vydání
MUDr. Richard Pradl, Ph.D.
MUDr. Richard Pradl, Ph.D.