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Předmět Vectorial nonlinear Boolean functions (NMMB498)

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1. Boolean functions and their representations2. Hadamard matrices and Walsh transform3. Bent functions4. Construction of bent functions5. Construction of bent functions (cont’d)6. Vectorial Boolean functions, vectorial bent functions7. Perfect nonlinear and almost perfect nonlinear functions8. Almost bent functions9. Construction of APN and AB functions10. Polynomials: Permutation polynomials, Dickson polynomials11. APN permutations: Existence and construction12. Bent, APN, AB functions and their connections to cryptography13. Bent, APN, AB functions and their connections to coding theory14. Bent, APN, AB functions and their connections to combinatorics


chapters by Carlet, from the book “Boolean Models and Methods in Mathematics, Computer Science, andEngineering" published by Cambridge University Press, Yves Crama and Peter L. Hammer (eds.), pp. 257-397, 2010. Boolean Functions for Cryptography and Error Correcting Codes, Vectorial Boolean Functions for Cryptography


Dr. rer. nat. Faruk Göloglu