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Předmět Exkurs do kulturálních studií (OEB321005)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu OEB321005 - Exkurs do kulturálních studií, Pedagogická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: Develop personal portfolios of visual materials and records from the culture, public spaces, galleries and their own art. Reflect their portfolios critically and create conceptual maps of ideas with written commentaries. Use their portfolios as a base for a final artefact/diary.


Students are invited to participate in excursions (e. g. Art Museums and Galleries in Prague and in the country). In collaboration with top Prague museums, galleries, (such as National Gallery, Galerie Rudolfinum, Museum of Decorative arts, DOX/MCentre of Contemporaray Art) and with distinguished artists as Project leaders, the Erasmus students are provided opportunities to study the Czech and middle European culture, art and history. Through their own artistic work they reflect their own positioning, life and role within European cultural space, its democratic values, history, ethos and spirituality.


Recommended readingSKÁLA, FRANTIŠEK: Venezia. Cestovní deník. Der Wanderbuch. Illustrated Journals. The visual record of his extensive walking tour from Prague to Venice. In SKÁLA, F.: Katalog k výstavám v Galerii Rudolfinum v Praze, Moravské galerii v Brně a Egon Schiele Art Museu v Českém Krumlově. Praha: Arbor Vitae, 2004. MICHL, KAREL: Alois Beer. Památnosti mého podomování. Hradec Králové: Nakladatelství Kruh, 1978. ISBN 75.46-011-78.601/30/85.8. FULKOVA, M., TIPTON, T. (2011) Diversifying Discourse: The Influence of Visual Culture on Children´s Perception and Creation of Art. In Faulkner, D., Coates, E. (Eds.) Exploring Children´s Creative Narratives. Routledge, Tailor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-0415-46562-2FULKOVÁ, M., TIPTON, T., ISHIKAWA, M. (2009), Through the Eyes of a Stray Dog: Encounters with the Other (Culture). International Journal of Education through Art. Vol. 5. no 6, 2009, pp. 111-128. ISSN 1743-5234Online resources: Anne Frank´s DiaryCharlotte Salomon: Leben? Oder Theater? (Life? Or Theater? )František Skála: Cestovní deníky (Travelogues)Shinro Ohtake: ScrapbooksErwin Dubský: Námořní deník hraběte Erwina Dubského Erwin Dubsky: Journal of a Voyage


doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D.