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Předmět Introduction to French Literature for children and youth (OEN2306026)

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CARADEC, F.: Histoire de la littérature enfantine. Paris : Albin Michel, 1977.ECO, U.: Six walks in the fictional woods. Cambridge : MA, Harward University Press, 1994.FRESNAULT-DERUELLE, P. Le personnage de bande dessinée et ses langages, in Textes et Discours non littéraires. Paris : Langue Française, Larousse 1975.GEFFROY KONSTACKY, D. La fable. Gaudeamus, 1997.GUERANDE, P. Le Petit Monde de la Comtesse de Ségur. Paris: Ed. Du Palais-Royal, 1964.HUNT, P. The World of Children´s Literature Studies. introduction to Understanding Children´s Literature, London, Routledge, 1999.LANOE, P. ? la rencontre de ... Astérix. Marseille: Bédésup, 1991.SORIANO, M. Guide de littérature pour la jeunesse. Paris : Flammarion, 1975.WATKINS, T. The Setting of Children´s Literature: History and Culture. London : Routledge, 1999, first published in the International Companion Encyclopedia of Children´s Literature.WILLIAMS, G. Becoming Readers: Reading and Literacy in Understanding Children´s Literature. London : Routledge, 1999, essay first published in the International Companion Encyclopedia of Children´s Literature.


PhDr. Renáta Listíková, Dr.