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Předmět Anthropology and Human Evolution (OENUZ02032)

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1) Antropology - definition and major topics. Human variability - morphology, regulations and genetics.2) Morphology - body size and its adaptive meaning, ecological adaptations, adaptations of cranium, brain and sensory organs, adaptations of locomotor apparatus3) Ecology, reproduction and social structure, behavioural ecology and socio-biology4) Anthropological methods - morphology, morphometrics, molecular anthropology5) Ontogeny and life histories - meaning of the ontogeny as an adaptive mechanism, heterochronies and allometry, growth rates and growth regulation, behaviour, morphology and growth mechanisms, sexual dimorphism and sex differentiation, adaptations of populations6) Primates - introduction to primatology, basic definitions, taxonomy, biogeography and ecology, Theoretical aspects of primate phylogeny - theories on macroevolutionary and microevolutionary processes, adaptive strategy, adaptive and exaptive radiations, life forms, speciation, evolutionary and phylogenetic systematics7) Prosimians, Anthropoids - New World monkeys, Old World monkeys8) Apes - hylobatids, orangutans and African apes9) Origins of the primates, primate evolution in Paleogene7) Differentiation of apes and hominids, origin of hominids and its ecological perspectives, major hominid features8) The oldest hominids, the evolution of early australopithecines, basic featurer of Ardipithecus and Australopithecus, definition of afarensis group9) Differentiation of australopithecines and origin of genus Homo; robust australopithecines their origin and differentiation, specialization and specific features of robust australopithecines, origin and taxonomy of early Homo12) Evolution of genus Homo - Lower Pleistocene, Middle and Upper Paleolithic evolution of Homo sapiens - hunter or hunter-gatherers, material culture and it adaptive meaning, major adaptive processes in Homo sapiens evolution13) Ecological aspects of human evolution, ecology of paleolithic man, transition from Paleolithic to the early agriculture, colonisation of the world by hominids, behavioural ecology and biogeography of hominids


Aiello L. and Dean C., 1990: An Introduction to Human Evolutionary Anatomy. Academic Press, London, San Diego.Bisborough A., 1995: Human evolution. Blackie Academic and Professional, London.Boesch C., Boesch-Achermann H., 2000. The Chimpanzees of the Taï forest. Behavioural Ecology and Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford.Conroy G. C., 1990. Primate Evolution. W. W. Norton and Company, New York.Conroy G. C., 1997. Reconstructing Human Orignis. Norton and Company, New York.de Waal F., (ed.) 2001. Tree of Origin. What Primate Behaviour Can Tell Us About Human Social Evolution. Harvard University Press, Cambridge and London.Fagan B. M., 1989: People of the Earth. An Introduction to the World Prehistory (Sixth edition). Scott, Feresman and Company, Glenview, Boston, London.Fleagle J. G., 1998: Primate Adaptation and Evolution (2nd ed). Academic Press, London.Fleagle J. G., Janson C. and Reed K. E., 1999. Primate Communities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Foley R. A., 1987: Another Unique Species. Patterns in human evolutionary ecology Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow.Gamble C., 1995: Timewalkers. The Prehistory of Global Colonization. Penguin Books, London.Jones S., Martin R., and Pilbeam D., 1995: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Marks J., 1994. Human Biodiversity. Genes, Races, and History. Aldan de Gruyter, New York.McGrew W. C. 1992. Chimpanzee Material Culture: Implications for Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.McGrew W. C., Marchant L.F., and Nishida T., 1996. Great Ape Societies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Rowe N., 1996. The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates. Pogonias Press. New York.Shoshani J., Groves C. P., Simons E. L. and Gunnell G. F., 1996: Primate phylogeny: morphological vs molecular results. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 5: 102 - 154.Szalay F., Delson E., 1979. Evolutionary History of the Primates. Academic Press, New York.Wolpoff M.H., 1999. Paleoantropology. Second edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston.Wahl F. de, 1991: Peacemaking among Primates. Penguins Books, London.Wrangham R. W., McGrew W. C., de Waal F. B. M. and Heltne P. G. (eds.), 1994: Chimpanzee Cultures. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.


doc. RNDr. Václav Vančata, CSc.