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Předmět Music Psychology (OI2308701)

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Course Description and Objectives The aim of this course is to understand and explore the fundamental workings of music and the mind, i.e., music psychology.  Components covered include auditory processing, musical perception, musical memory, sensory-motor learning, musical abilities, rhythmic and melodic understandings, amusia, (loss or impairment of the ability to comprehend or produce music), musical creativity, general musical processing and potential transfer to other cognitive domains.  Based upon recent research in the fields of music psychology, music neuroscience, music therapy and music education, we shall probe into this material while pondering questions regarding how educators might most effectively inspire maximum learning inspired by this knowledge.  Critical thinking will be encouraged throughout.


Weekly Readings  Each week, there will be assigned readings from the primary texts noted above.  A short summary (2-4 paragraphs) of each reading will be required for discussion during each session. Session 1      Due:  Levitin, IntroductionSession 2      Levitin, Chapter 1Session 3      Levitin, Chapter 2Session 4      Levitin, Chapters 3 & 4Session 5      Levitin, Chapter 5Session 6      Levitin, Chapter 6Session 7      Levitin, Chapter 7Session 8      Levitin, Chapters 8 & 9Session 9      Thompson, Chapter to be suppliedSession 10    Thompson, Chapter to be suppliedSession 1      Thompson, Chapter to be suppliedSession 12    Sacks, Chapter to be supplied


Primary Texts Levitin, D. (2007).  This Is Your Brain on Music:  Understanding a Human Obsession.  London,           UK, Atlantic Books. Thompson, W.F. (2008).  Music, Thought, and Feeling:  Understanding the Psychology of Music.       Oxford, Oxford University Press. Sacks, Oliver. (2007). Musicophilia, New York: Random House. Further Reading (Optional) Tan, S., Pfordresher, P. and Harre, R. (2010).  Psychology of Music.  London:  Taylor Francis Ltd. Gruhn, W. and Rauscher, F.H., Eds. (2008).  Neurosciences in Music Pedagogy.  New York, NY,         Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [Note:  This text is accessible to the non-neuroscientist in its             inclusion of clear explanations throughout.] Hallam, S., Cross, I. and Thaut, M., Eds. (2009).  Handbook of Music Psychology.  Oxford, UK,            Oxford University Press.Patel, A.D. (2011).  Why would musical training benefit the neural encoding of speech?  The            OPERA hypothesis.  Frontiers in Psychology 2:142. (doi: 10.3389/ fpsyg.2011.00142). Sanders, E. (2012, in press).  Investigating the Relationship between Musical Training and    Mathematical Thinking in Children.  Proceedings of International Conference on New      Horizons in Education INTE 2012.  Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences.


Edel Sanders