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Předmět Správní právo IV. (HP0805)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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The subject of Administrative Law, as one of the subjects that is compulsory for all undergraduate law students, is part of the curricula for full-time students from the 3rd to the 5th year of study. The instruction lasts four semesters (2/1, 2/1 ex., 2/1, 2/2 written ex. ) and is completed by the final state examination in the 10th semester.The content of the instruction is all basic institutes of Administrative Law, such as the Law of Public Administration. It involves the interpretation of the fundamentals of Administrative Law (public administration and administrative law, sources of administrative law and administrative and legal relationships). Furthermore it includes the theory of public administration activities, the forms of administration activity in particular (it offers detailed analysis of abstract and concrete administrative acts, public law contracts, actual instructions and coercive acts, as well as other acts). In the framework of the theory of public administration activity, the problems of administration punishing, administrative supervision, and administrative procedure are taught. The instruction also involves the issues of public use, expropriation and restriction of proprietary rights, as well as fundamentals of the organization of public administration, both general issues, and the organizational structure of public administration in the Czech Republic. Attention is also paid to damages or other relief in public administration, to control over public administration (administrative judiciary in particular), and legal guarantees in public administration.In connection with European integration and Czech membership in the European Council, fundamentals of European administrative law are included in the teaching.Within the seminars and lectures, attention is paid to the judicature of the constitutional and administrative judiciary, as well as the judicature of European courts, and current issues of the development of Czech administrative law.


povinnáNová úprava správního soudnictví, 2003, ASPI Publishing, Ke státní rigorozní zkoušceHendrych D. a kol.: Správní právo – obecná část, 2001, C.H.Beck, Praha doporučenáPítrová L., Pomahač R.: Evropské správní soudnictví, 1998, C.H.Beck, Praha Pocta Vladimíru Mikule, 2002, ASPI PublishingSoudní judikatura ve věcech správních, Codex Bohemia, s.r.o.Vopálka V., Šimůnková V., Šolín M.: Správní řád, Komentář II., 2003, II.. vydání, Praha , C.H.BeckSládeček V.: Ústavní soudnictví. 2 podstatně přepracované a doplněné vydání , 2003, Praha, C. H. Beck, Ke státní rigorózní zkoušceKol.Pocta prof. JUDr. D. Hendrychovi.: Veřejná správa a právo, 1997, C.H.Beck, PrahaSládeček V.: Zákon o Veřejném ochránci práv. Komentář, l. vydání, 2000, C.H.Beck, Praha


prof. JUDr. Richard Pomahač, CSc.


JUDr. Jakub Handrlica, LL.M., Ph.D.doc. JUDr. Martin Kopecký, CSc.JUDr. David Kryska, Ph.D.JUDr. Ivana Millerová, Dr., Ph.D.prof. JUDr. Richard Pomahač, CSc.doc. JUDr. Helena Prášková, CSc.JUDr. Ing. Josef Staša, CSc.JUDr. Petr Svoboda, Ph.D.