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Předmět Czech and European Environmental Law and Policy (HSSC1)

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Outline of the Course1. The state of the environment on global, European and national level. International, European and Czech environmental policy.2. Environmental law as a key instrument of Environmental policy (system, instruments). Institutional safeguards for environmental protection.3. European and national environmental law - transposition and implementation.4. The liability system of environmental protection.5. Access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making.6. Main horizontal legislation I: EIA, IPPC.7. Main horizontal legislation II: Land-use planning.8. Air pollution regulation.9. Water resources protection10. Land and Forest Protection.11. Biodiversity and Nature protection.12. Regulation of sources of endangerment I: Waste.13. Regulation of sources of endangerment II: Chemicals.14. Regulation of sources of endangerment III: Protection against accidental harm. Noise regulation.15. Ownership and Environmental protection. Land and Agricultural Law & Environment.16. Role of the justice (courts) in the protection of environment.Reading ListDAMOHORSKÝ, M.: Czech Environmental Law, 2nd edition, Charles University, Prague, 2006KISS, A. - SHELTON, D.: Manual of European Environmental Law, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1997KRÄMER, L.: European Environmental Law, Sweet and Maxwell, 6th Edition, 2007KRÄMER, L.: Casebook on European Environmental Law, Hart, 2002SCHEUER, S. (ed.): EC Environmental Policy Handbook - A critical Analysis of EU Environmental Legislation, EEB, 2005State Environmental Policy (2002-2010), Ministry of the EnvironmentReport of the Environment of the Czech republic 2007


prof. JUDr. Milan Damohorský, DrSc.JUDr. Michal Sobotka, Ph.D.JUDr. Karolina Žákovská, Ph.D.


prof. JUDr. Milan Damohorský, DrSc.JUDr. Michal Sobotka, Ph.D.JUDr. Karolina Žákovská, Ph.D.