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Předmět Ethology and sociobiology (MB170P106)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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1. Introduction, history and theory of the discipline Ethology, zoopsychology, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, behavioural sciences, proximate and ultimate causes.2. Behavioural genetics Ontogenetic factors, innate versus acquired, experiments suggesting heritability of behavioural traits, mechanisms of inheritance, what doe it mean gene for behaviour.3. Advantages of sociality, reciprocal altruism and cooperation Aggregation as an antipredatory strategy. Prisoners dilemma. the fate of altruistic mutation, mutace, other cooperative games, penalty.4. Kin altruismus, helpers and family Hamiltons rule, coefficient of relatedness, alarm signals, helping, family and its stability in animal kingdom.5. Eusociality Social systems of ants, wasps, termites, and eusocial mammals. Theories explaining evolution of eusociality.6. Infanticide, siblicide and conflict of interests between relatives Infanticide in langurs, lions and rodents. Siblicide, asynchronous hatching in birds. Parental investment and parentalcare. Parent-offspring conflict.7. Aggression, territoriality, conflict Genetic and physiological regulation of aggression, evolutionary stable strategies, signals and communication.8. Mating systems, promiscuity, lek Roles of males and females, sperm competition, advantages of mating with multiple partners, why to mate repeatedly.9. Polygynie, monogamie, rozvod a mimopárové kopulace (Frynta) Models explaining polygyny, monogamy and paternal investment, correlates of extrapair paternity. Tropical birds.10. Polyandry and conflict between the sexes Dunnock as an example of polyandry. Conflict between males and females.11. Antipredatory behaviour Behavioural and morphological strategies reducing the risk of predation.12. Classical ethology Inherited behavioural patterns, Lorenz, Tinbergen a von Frisch. Innate versus learned.13. Learning Associative learning, insight learning, play, aversive learning, taste aversion, imprinting, space cognition, imitation, tradition, etc.14. Migration Navigation, principles of orientation during migration, migration pathways, birds, butterflies and salmons.ETHOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY II. Daniel Frynta, Eva LandováAn introductory practical course. Ethology of selected social species (except primates and large antelopes) kept in ZOO Praha. Observation, categorization, and interpretation of behaviour. Recording the ethogram, and half-hour scanning of all behaviour of the focal animals followed by discussion and comments of the lecturer.Selected species:(1) Equus przewalski, E. kiang(2) Pecari tajacu(3) Ammotragus laervia, Macaca sylvanus(4) Nasua nasua(5) Canis lupus, Speothos venaticus, Chrysocyon(6) Mellivora capensis, Procavia capensis(7) Helogale parvula, Cynictis penicillata(8) Suricata suricatta(9) Lemniscomys barbarus, Arvicanthis niloticus(10) Acomys cahirinus, Meriones libycus(11) Cynomys ludovicianus(12) Capromys pilorides, Cyclura nubilaLiterature:Martin P. & Bateson P. (1993):Measuring Behaviour : An Introductory Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993


Birkhead T. 2000: Promiscuity. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 272 pp.Choe J.C. & Crespi B.J. (eds) 1997: The evolution of social behaviour in insects and arachnids. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 541 pp.Davies N.B. 1992: Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press., 272 pp.Dawkins R. (1976): The selfish gene, Oxford University Press, 352 pp. - česky: Sobecký gen, Nakladatelství mladá fronta 1998, 319 str.Dawkins R. (1982): The Extended Phenotype. Oxford-San Francisco, 307 pp.Dennett D.C. 1995: Darwin's dangerous idea: evolution and the meanings of life. New York: Simon and Schuster, 587 pp.Dugatkin L.A., 1997: Cooperation among animals: an evolutionary perspective. Oxford: Oxford Universiity Press, 221 pp.Höglund J. & Alatalo R., 1995: Leks. Princeton: Princeton UniversityHölldobler B. & Wilson E.O., 1996: Cesta k mravencům. Praha: Academia, 198 pp.Krebs J.R. & Davies N.B., 1985: An introduction to behavioural ecology. Second edition. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates Inc., 292 pp.Krebs J.R. & Davies N.B., 1985: An introduction to behavioural ecology. Third edition. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 420 pp.Lorenz K. 1963: Das Sogenannte Böse. Wien: Verlag Dr. G. Borotha-Schoeler. Česky: Mladá Fronta 1992, 239 pp.Mock W. & Parker G.A. 1997: The evolution of sibling rivalry. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 464 pp.Ridley M.2000: Původ ctnosti.Praha: Portál, 295 pp.Sigmund K. 1993: Games of Life - explorations in ecology, evolution and behaviour. London: Penguin Books, 244 pp.Trivers R.2002: Natural selection and social theory. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 345 pp.Veselovský Z. 2005: Etologie. Praha: Academia.Wilson E.O. 1975: Sociobiology - The New Synthesis, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 900 pp.


Zkouška je ústní (s tím, že může být doplněna vstupním písemným testem nahrazujícím její první část zjišťující elementární znalosti). Předmětem zkoušky je vše, co bylo odpřednášeno behem přednášky či cvičení, jakož i obsah učebnice prof. Zdeňka Veselovského vydané v nakladatelství Academia a další doplňkové četby z oboru, kterou si studenti mohou zvolit dle pokynů vyučujících. Zkouška prověřuje jak přímo znalosti, tak i schopnost pochopit souvislosti (k tomu jsou ovšem potřeba elementární znalosti zoologie, ekologie a evoluční biologie a dalších biologických oborů získané předchozím studiem).


doc. RNDr. Daniel Frynta, Ph.D.


doc. RNDr. Daniel Frynta, Ph.D.